Morris Hnry Hrus 01 nu iiiia v -. - iillustrated lecture on the printing of etchings bc- fore the North Shore Art league, last Thursday eveninig.* An -etcher can tell just as niuch of'a story on a plate 3k4 inches as a plate 12x20, he added, pointing out that block pinting-anid litho- grapbing are the mediums best adapted to9 big prints. Mr. Hobbs, lecturingý and demonstratÎ,ing before a lrge and entbusiasti c audience., explained, thé intricacies of: printing plain etcbings, co 1lored.etch- ings, dry points, aquatints, mezzotints, and the various combinations of several metbods iised on a single plate. Reference was also made to, line engravings. bis opinion, that the, best resuits are oh- tained by using a warm ýblack ink with littie color in it, and an ave rage paper, factors making for, uniformity wbere a number of prints be used to, decorate a home. An artist, he added, should put ail of the detail into the plate itself and - nt ,zrelyu ptick, njthod4 of inking to produce resultsý Unless lie puts the detii fto the plate, the prints- will again be lacking in uniformity. I.ike Malvina Hoffmnan, the sculptress wbo has even cast some of her own bronze figures for the Hall of Man at the Field M4useum~, Mr. Hobbs bas a thorough niastery of ail the mechanics of bis medium. This niastery miust, ini a large meas- Pin 41 uilbe the oelist for 1themito"nà nut lUSt4CwhichI Me- walter, Sheri fs «411 hav'e <t her home, 328 Sheridan road, Winnetka, ou M<»sday f ternoon at 3:30 oclock. Mrs. Sheriff s has invited as her gitests thse #ot/ers of the children in Mise.Va%7iete Lamb's roomt at Greeley school. Mr. Seaberq u4l plday selections front LJazydn, Debussy, Liszt Paderewski and Brahms. 770 I Hillroad, Winnetka, at 3 OClOCK buaa afterfloofl, Jaruary 24. Everyone interested in music and in settlement bouse. activities knows of thé fine work the Mu Phi,-Epsilon Settlement School of Music is doing at Gads Hill center. The scbool offers a chance, for musical training that the children and par- enits of :the settlement bouse district would not otber*se bave. The splenididreuthaeme than repaid. the sorority nienbers for the great effort tbey bave expended In keeping the scbool going. The keen interest and patronage of the north shore friends of tbe music scbool have helpedgreatly in financing the scbool. Gara. Verson, internationally knowný pianist,, noted *for introducing compositions of tbe-modemn schéol of musical thought, will play one of tbe groups she will include on her Towie *Hall re*- citaI in New York City early in February. Edna Ricbardson is a soprano appearing for the first liie in 1h is etdmmuffit.y. She as recently moved from Rochester, N. Y., where she was popular on the radio, ini' concert, and in church work. For two years s he was a member of the Aniericani Opera compaxiy under 'Rosing and toured to the west coast wih the company. Lucille Turner is a~ violinist well knoiwn te Chi- cago and the north shore and needs no introduc- tion. The guest artist of the afternoon is Blair Stew- - pn.ç --een on ncert nounced plans for a îeague ÂvÂraiuz 'J Shrove Tuesday, the location of the pending upon. the number of resci ceived. The dance cas> be held at Si if there is sufficient support, bes Lavenant, the president, introduced1 and cilledthe attention of the aulii tucky, UuL 1185 LI1i Federation of Mi Thse federation is Lin ôff ering everyone is urgea ro.c fui uiternoon. TJicketsi A <dance, rty de- ions re- nee club> Rene speaker eto the Sin D& ach to aI a Uei at the Goes on Stage tended thse North Shore Country Day school, 4and Roycemore school iet P.vanston. Ri