the foiIOWÏng un lier q..vuA,,As Charles G. Coyle of Winoetka, Mrs. Leo Hillmaniof Glencoe, and Mrs. O.. R. Huncke or.Mrs. Harry E. Milis of Highland Park. There will'betal * Arranigements are also being comn- pleted. for the, third annual dinner- dance of the leagueto be held Sat- urday eveniflg, Febuay 6, at the Shawnee Country club in Wilmeétte, Mrs. Albert Lanphear of Glencoe ýis chairmari of the committee in charge, and.,assisting ber..are Mrs. Bi.N. Brockman and- Mrs. Hermani R., Paulick, ofý Glencoe., Mrs. Lawrence I1oewe of Winnietka, Mrs. Daniel S. Pickrell of Wilmiette and Mrs.. E. B. Sherwin of Highland Park. N.xt Boc-k Review for The fourth book series by Eleanor Elli. auspices of the F.v2 Chicago junior scho uary 27, at the hony j Carlos Photo THE FUNES IN, -TH E - Miss 1Mary ,.4 lice Shaughn-essy, 13,57 Greenu'ood aven ue, is chair- motn of the St- Valen tine's dance. to bc héld by the Al1pha Xi Delta aluni- 'tac at the, Medinah Athletic club on Saturday niht Pbruary 13. corrt'v Ltyki's orchestra, ithich zvill Play for the danci1 ng, will be a big feature of the cveniny, and there uqll bc a. floor show. Miss Marjorie- Porter of lEvanston is in charge of * I I V ~ To Entedtain Fathers review of the1 is Perkins ui 1 der The mothers of St. Jos( anston Friemids, ,are invited to entertain ol, occurs lan- Sunda), evening, January ne of Mr. and SChool1 hall. Dancing, -11. hinV> QL.. t lsmr il,,4 bc diversi 1 E LD I *THE « SABLE COAT Ite beauty, rareneo, and th ttwu0 que re quired for its production estahb it as supeor to, aU other furs school \Vcest mard From 1 l3owman, and Ster *'Tn the Footsteps of H. V. Morton. l)v Heatht Dickinson it P'aul,". b For Anderson Guilcd Enfodoain for Gues, Mr. and Mrs. Robert: of 197 Oxford road, Kei as their house guest Mi sister, -Mrs. George W. niar. Del. .Mr. and Mr st Lee Megowen niilworth, have *its superios' favor, rnch quality, freshulessanad purity have madie it thie le4ldig milk i Chicago a nd suburbs for threo generatiofle. I.1631 SHERMAN AVENUEc COSTS