WIOlwnu y J tàa-- -.. -- Scoutiflg as a great, youth program.r Besides- Mr. Keane's address t herer will be a nùmber'of dramatic skits and tableaux and- the presentation of awards of high ienit .to. several north shore Scouters. SCOUT WEEKt National, Scout week begins this1 .yearo February 7. . That day beingf Sunday, it is being set aside in manyý communities as,"Scout Sunday" and Scouts will be attendîng churchies as troops in uniform. Troops throughout the council .will be having parents' nights, . reuniotis, and. the ike during that week and ini .miny cases schools wilL hold special assemblies. On February 8 the presi-- dent of the United States will speak to the By Scouts .of Aan4ricaas. t'i)e organizatiofl's honorary president. At that timie Dr. James E. West chicf Scout executive, wiiI lead the miovemlent in the rededication to the Scout ideals by reciting a.nd leaditng thie Scout oath and law. Beginning withi Scout week emphasis will be put upon preparation for the national jamboree to be held in Washington. D. C., June 30 to july 9. nations of the world, ail clairning préparedness as thir excuse. thé Scouts are quite up-to-date. During the Ninter -m.neeting. at i definite timles, the boys can be s een busilv at work wvith canvas. tbread. needie and cork.. Their atm is also ta. be prepared as they labor olver life-saving jackets (some tailo r-tnade for the dinghy-ýbovs) of cork anid kaptok. The project includes the ýrpi ring of the lackets already on handý as well as the making of« entirelv new "sis"With -several definite ex- amples of the reward of preparatioil in mmiid, the boys are rapidly adapt- tng themseIves ta this "ego "aiet As there is no tnachine-work con- nected vvith this task, the finiis hed tvaluable ta the maker who will guard his liandiwork with the zealous evc of a creator. This is just one of the winter Pro- jeçtts carried out by the WVilmette Ship Whfosc ersatilitv would surprise qulite a few People. Visitors are always welconed ta see the. ship at wvork (or at pla-v) i its inew winter haome in the First ýNational Banikbuilding. - AT THE, HUS - IN EVANSTON 50 glume ly 35an8$4 Suiansd o,@@Bhf badges are awaIUVULe( oýU S 017CUILL- pletion of requiremients in certain sub- The increase of ,le\v boys enrolled- jects of which thère are 102 ini voca- il Scouting and Cubbing in the North tional and avocational fields. T he list Shore Area council reached the per- of ment badges range throughi the centage of 34.3 per cent in 1936- over alphabet f romn agriculture to- zoolôgy. 1935. There were 437 new Cubs and and orhsresot teetd 740 iCw Scouts during the past 12i themiselves in 87 of the 102 from which nionthis period as against 225 Cub-. ta choose. A partial list of. the more and 644 Scouts. the year before. The conrunoin ones passed in 1936 is as fol- total numiber of niew boys enrolled. lows - i bath branches of the Scout move- P'ers-Onal H-ealth ...............t mtent is l-177 for 1936. y 186 are of are of the 9 Originatly $60 and $65 by stage an