*TemPl, ail comb3inle to mk angi- a, ' Mvb VI1111 1vetertaiflifg film of ."Diniiples." M arion plavs the part of ailactress. *which wil be showîi this Fridav and 'ail erstwhile wa itress, whose Iac'k of Saturdlaý' at the -Wilnieýtte tlieater. box office appeal is az decided detri-( Directed by' William A.: Seiter.- ment to the %uccess ,of lier career.( nieillcr.S of the, cast besides -Miss Then her press agent. Roscoe Karns. Temnple, inc Iud e. Helen WcVstlev, discovers that thie heavvweight cham- Frank Mforgan. anld Dion. Gable, is -distressed by the saine ..........~S ep n Fetclit.Ia ck of popularitv. it's but the work ý.Previewers hl a ve.of a, fewv moments for him ,to figure repred, thatIltth tlW "Mit the logicat soluitiontthprb Arfimba s as tuuich, kmloi: a pho oeaffair inolving or even ilore. a 1-1hoth o0 thern. Ont%- the trouble is Deal ta aduits as ittîjat the. affair doesn't stay phoney,. hadlto thie ebicren.l, There are a number of ,fine lauighs, At the qatiir<av and the supportinýg cast. héaded by ...... mat nee at the. \Vil-~ Ruth Donnellev and,.Allan Je-ikinis ~' ~ "mette t h e a t e rË does itself proud. Shirley,,Templel. vvil beý ano ther (-I- "W\anited: Jane Turn'er",will be the igode of the Robinson Cru-soc' serial.,,a-ttraction at'the VTalencia theater on With Ralp)h Bellamiv andri Marian Stra.and wl he followved., on. Marslî ini the lcading rotes, "Tito Sundav and M\ondav. by thé year's Mail WVho 'Lived 1Twice ', mIll be seen cla-sic, "Dodsworth." athe W"Iit thea -.o têwiàla~tfue and Monldav. Taken from the navel o.f the samne Woman's Struggle niame bv.~ Sinclair Lewis and ,. the A woniati's struggle against Mail :nash bit stage play-. the picture domintitoni during the Victor ian version is a worthy, successor to both.. period is the occasion for "A \\Vonian ýThe leading part is takcen by the Rebls wich wil l e shown at the ýcreator of the rote Ihimsetf, Walter * Wilnette theater on Tilesday. Wed- Huston. The storvy concerns the * uesday, and Thursdav of .next week. troubles of a successful manufacturer. Adapted. froni Netta Svrett's "Por- \vho gives up .his business at the re-. trait of a 'Rebel," the settings are (iuest of his wife in order that both vard andI extrcrnely beautifuil and ()f them nmay have a long vacation director, 'Mark Sandrich. he or four unst1ccesstU ul ov Rovishi pranks, codes, and trage- far n héhsadha otdr dicý,an ndrstndngjudge wi svrmpathv< with an understatidil starts; the bovs on the road to good %%omian that he achieves happines citizenshîp. These and various othler Leading faminine rotes are taken1 thenies niake tup "The Devil [s a Ruth Chatterton and Mary Astor. a "dIifferenit" film. which Nvill --- be shown at. the Wilniette thieate(r LLOYD IS TOPS Fridav and Saturdav of next %veel-. Frank LloYd. producer-director T h0tlihld lie seen, bv all those who I ýParamount'.5 Maid of Salem," wi The. neckline and short sleeves are outlined 'ith a narrowly fluted ruffie of the. crepe and the ful-length toP. coat which goes over the dressis the new versioni of theý redingote. 0f roughi green tweed, the coat follows aý coachman silhouette. 1The back has cleverty arranged fullness and in front, just above the waistline, the coat buttons for about six inches leaving the major portion of the printed f rock in full view. It looks as though spring would find countless costumes of this type in Hollywood's style parade. i I FreMle Bw4tklmew jaçkie Cooper - Mickey Rooney Tliree Stooges Coui*uy Feature Starts FrIday 7:" 40, 9:55 Starts Saturday 2:-30, 4:25: 6:20, 8:20, 10:15 Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 14-26 66OLD HUTCIR"% Wallace Beery - Eric Liden Ken Murray - Oswald Comedy F'eature Starts Sunday 2, 4 6, 8, le Feature Starýt Mon. anâ Tues. 7 *40 and 9:45 Wed., Thura., Jas. 27-28 "TERPLOT Feature Starts at 7:~50 and 9:50 Ail New March of rime" Aster January, 21, 22, 23-ý2DimPles,. For, F. January 24 and 25-2'Back to Na- ture." For F. January 26, 27, 28-21A Woman Re- bels" For A. "&POLO JOB" boe E. Brown