Charrning Little Cottage WITH 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, screened* poreh, bot.water,,heat,'Wood-: ed lot 75x182 with rustic fence. Ha s al the eclusion of tbe country. $15,000. 6ANN MORELAND 6àVernon Ave. GXencoe 905 111LTN37-l.tc1 EAST GLENCOEý ALMOST NEW. BRICK, 9 RMS., S-BED)- ý rýs.., à%, tue b'i ths, Ige. rec. room, hot water o11 ht. with B&G systemi.-cair att. gar., Prie, nder tcost. List your property with us. O. R., sMITH REAL ESTATE. CO. 685'Vernon Ave. Glencoe 709 Il1LTN37-ltp $3,000 Above Mortgage FOR THIS S ROOM BRICK COLONIAL ln South Glencoe. 2 tile bathq. 2 extra lavatories. Recreation room. Firè- place.- gd -pijpd. uaami Godar i' . R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Conter Street Winnetka 3250 11LTN37-Ite $16,000 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Modern Eng. br. 4 bedrois., 2 baths, Iav., 011 ht., att. gar. Walking distance to New Trier. JAARKNESS & LLOYD, 584 Linçoin Wlnnetka 177 Exclusive Agents 111LTN37-ltp WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES5 PRIVATE PARTY WANTS TO BUY A SMALL HOME THE SAME AS PAYING RENT Write B-34. Box 60. Milnette, 111. 113L37-ltp FOR SAIS--VACANT VACNTBAGANSGARAGE AND 2ND FWOR SPACE, Close in Highland Park-suit- GLENCOE Desirable location well able for distributors. $50 'per wooded. 75X140. Owner wants offer. m.~e~ Vân Kirk. Lowest price In this ,section.. Miss Highland Park. 1855 Durham. 122A-LTN37-2te GLENCO E - Close to Skokie C. C. 80 ft. front.: Price for quick,,sale ACREAGE AND ESTATES 34,00.0. M. Ltt.COUNTRY ESTATE HIGHLAND PARK - East slde-'70 ,ft, GROUP 0FP WHITE ERA M4E BUILD- front., Sacrifice for immed. sale. rngs seèt.well back f rom concrete road Mr. o meon sioping bill side. 5 roorn cottaige, .33,00.Mr.Somer.panielled, living room, enclosed ýporch. THE BIL[LS R1h.ALTY, Iic. Several outbui ldings.. House. faces 'large. 529 DAVIS ST. , EVANSTON ru.nningstrearn. For, immediate. sale to Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 clear titie. 74 acres priced -$7500, al 114LTN37-ltC .cash. 95x184 32. acres wet o Wuiew gan Rd. Excel- WEKNOW OF,, NO OTHER LOT, i, ently located, about Y,4 woodcd. with trees, a view of the lake, among $14,000. Ideal for'.yeur round counitry the finest homes on the North Shore, home. and of this size, that can be purchased YAJ2 & Q N .atth ecee4igyJqv~w 0rçepe Y T fOO $7,500. 1026 Waukegan Rd., Glenvieiv Ph. 81 About half of its true value. 124LTN37-ltc Cal Mr. France. Shore Towns Realty HILLS AND RAVINES CORPORATION .. ctb Gre 270. Rog. Pk. 6636 Wil. 608 FatF wigSra 114LTN37-Ite atFo igSra EIAEVEN ACRES NORTH & WEST. One of the prettiest spots in Chicago O N THE LAKE Land. From the crest of this tract one The CHOICEST lot in Winnetka. can look for miles over a loveiy country-. BeautifuIly wouded. lOOx27 t. to aide and imagine hiniself in New E±ng- land. If vou are lookinif for a homesite. water's eage. L.ovely sandy UV4VU. Otixer Good. Buys-Largeor Sniall ileces, and Acreage in Suahset Ridg~e .District. BAUMANN-COOK .Excluive Agents 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 i14LTN37-ltc Wagner Road Acreage TWENTýc ACRE TRACT. CAN BE diviaied into acre pieceb for fine homes, or will inake tne e staLe bite. Located south of Wànnetka Avenue. Bebt bu>' In this fast growvilg estate section. $1,000 per acre., "THE- PLACE TO BUILD" A new acre developrment, estblislw@d *neig4iborhood, corivenient to i{ubbard Woods and Slkokje Schoois and trans- portation, rcstrlcted. Ask for plat. *McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. U30 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 1241,TN17-1 te 's Mays M,. your ni Jus t now we have a special .Itiquiry f<or. 1 HA boans insured t*p to 80% of value. These wve originate and service as cor- resoondents of an Approved Mortgae under the National Housing, Act.. We do a mortgagebusiness'exclusiveliy, *and we wil be glad to answer inquijr- les. for loans on residences,, apartments, and.' business, properties, as ivell as FRlA Loans. RÉÀ~L ESTATE LOANS 1580 Sherman Aýve., Evanston Davis 2239 Central 1812 1il So. LaSalle St.- Chicago 127A-LTN37-ltc FOR SAL.g-HOUSEM.OmD 000DB 10 PC. TWIN BEDROOM SET, JA- cobeith design t T wfiflft t1hn'êdet; Simmons bed, coil aprings and coul mat- tress; 2 dining sets, coniplete; chai"s, tables, etc. Several fine radios. One 9x12 Turkish oriental; 1 Keva. oriental, about 8xl1; i1 lx14 orientai; 1 fine Anierican rug, blue. 10x20. High class nierchandise at bargain prIces. IREDALE FIR1EPROOF WAREHOUSE 1723 Benson Avenue, Evanston 129LTN37-ltc 1Thor W, A-i COND. CALL aind Ircn FOR SALE CHE AP DINING IROOM TABLE, 6 CHAIRS, and buffet. Call Wi.nnetka 2478. I-29LTN3-itp RUOIS, BED-DINC, BEDRMI. SET, desk, chair; tables, larnps, cherry sofa, old-fash. crib & canopy. Go-cart. Crystal giasses. Men's elot4ies. NVinn.. 1157. . 129LTTJ27-1tn 111 LTNIO-tfc 1v 1 B3 114L