Twoe former student% at New High s5chool. Georgre Cameron Brown, and:,illieirn Be-taV Kat-. weree veêntly placed on the. "dean's 1sf in the co!lege of iberal arts a n d sciences. at the UlJ'nversitv of Illiniois. .The dean's ist consists of the name.s Of juniors and-sen lors: who flot onl1y have maintained creditable scholastic veragés but who have also taken au outstanding part in, student life. TOATTEND BALL Major and M.\rs. Martin. B. Chittick of 1520 Highland avenue will have Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Green. of 1600 Highland avenue 'as their guests at the Militai-y bail to bc given_ on Sat- urday. by the Armny and Navy club in the Lake Shore Athletic club', Chicago. ENTERTAIN MNrs. 0. M. Bercaw of 741 Eighith street will be hostess to the memnbers of ber bridge club for luncheon on Friday. Mr-. and Mrs. Bercaw arc! entertaining at dinner and bridge on1 Saturdav for the mnembers of thieirý evening bridge club. RETURNS FROM CUBA JANUARY. CLEARANCE. 25%o REDUCTION ONAI LAMPS AT YOUR PUBLIC. SERVICE STORE ALL STYLES!i, ALL MODELSI bit, BARGAINMS!, )hio. .1-e is: een- trftGis#S and j: sonian. this year.I eRev. and Mrs. of 1028 Forestf t 1141