ing* i. For the ie iet of those who are iiiiable to do so, I want to explain where it- is, what it does and who uses it. ý jt bas a special entrance at the end * aiden-Keyrstolne Robert T. Sherman concern theflselves with this work. My answer is. that this, is a. responsibility of the whoie community. Where would al'these s ick poor go -if there were no FVanston hospital to receive themn?,, Suppose that onie of these patienis contracted some contagions disease and coul d pot afford necessary care?, Êach of us, certainly would beconcerned-with the résult=a possible epidemic if the disease were not checked. atthe oufset, the chance. that our cbildren right con- tract the, same. disease. Evaiston; hospital accepts its ful responsibility to utilize ail its available resources in this work. Last year we devoted every dollar received f rom al sources for that. purpose. It was flot enough, so. we spent an additional $25,- 600. We Cannot continue to spend more than wve ecee. Theneed foqr this -Winnetka and Giencoe use our Out- Patient: departmient alniost as freeiy as FEvanstonians. 1 earniestly hope that the people ini those comnWlnities will con- tribute generously in order that wve iay carry on this vital program. Photo Townsend Club Plans 46. qoMA. 'phon f2. IPepsodeat FoW rtfyWth ITobpaute .Vrtam insa 100 A.B.D. Capsules..7 Viostemol.5 ait 11 100 Halier 011 Capsules, 15 Vistro5 c. 53a Helena Rubinstein"* Pauteurked Treatmt -Gratin be onie of the important matters dis- Inside, the visitor wifl find, from 8 cussed. in the miorliing until late ini the after- On' We-dnesdlay evening, February 3, iwooi. men, wornen, children and babes ini at .8 o'clock, the club will meet for a amnis waiting. their turn. These people social function inî the Parish bouse of are the less fortunate niembers of our St. Augustine's church, 1140 Wilmette comr nunity who are unable to pay for the, avenue., Anyone interested' will be serviées of a private physician. So they cordially welcomed. Ref-reshments wili corne to the Evanston hospital. -They be served. 'go in at this side door. the 'Out-Patienit For informtn nd iiertuw~rnth WINTER NEEDS 35e Bromno Quiibie, Grevé*. .......... ..29C 60e AU- Seltzr.......49c 60c Murine ....... 49C Qt. MAtik Magnesia .... 69C 40C Dental .33C IQt. Minoral Oil .... 89C 2-oz Cod Liver 0%E of the great ne, rtnent-certainp for these clinics. w4' ak tube 200 sheets. 2,fr 2