I Fri-, 99Linden Ave.. 830 Davis St..ý Phones: Wii HubbrdW s mIw2103-4 Lehle Photo in the auto sho> of New Trier I-igh school where a class of junior and senior boys un- t.. P. Biesemeier, building and grounds superipitendent, are completing the course in the left), Louise broadcasts nightly over Radio station i, are doing WENR on current events and is, are giveni of each b: tdents laron - walfrecl Johnson, andu icic i' arper. )r* con- One is working on a piston, another The Pre-School circie will meet at fauto- on the cyl inder block of, a model "T" the home of Mrs. Harry Adler, 115 ishore englue, and the third on a marine en- Sixteenth street, Tuesday' evening, sales- giewr February 9, at 8 o'clock. visits, Tewr shop is described as being lé mer- .one of the best equipped in the area aiid First book review of the second * s . rnvided with a one-ton crane for series of revieNvs presented by Mrs. Ha'> k 'J 1 SERVICE 1