brt ardi Gras, Shrove Tuesdayé nigt, Mebruary 9. The inany fors: of entertaîiilefit plannied, for ti f fair necessitated such a that the league tOOk over the entire Winnetka Womnan's club building, and so will1 have provision for dancers, danceývwatChers,, cards, conversation, and su.pper, which will be sered., buffet style, f roui 10:30 on. *For the dancers, the league has: ýsecured the celebrated Herbie Mintz dance orchestra, with Mr. Mintz hlm- self as Inaster of ceremnofies. This mardi Gras, the league al- nounces, will be "a b)ail that will make. hitry'for art, fun and frolic.wivth- out sacrifice of the dignity of art nor the spirit of carnival." The atuirday mJrnQZUt çhi 1ren's gram begins at 6 o'clock and is fol- lowed by s'upper. Gymnttium Teacher Wi11 Direct Cinci nnati Meet DeForest Showley, niember of the faculty of the physical educationi de- partment of New Trier High school, and chairman of the men's athietic section of the Midwest Physicai Edi- cation, association, will be in charge, of two programs concerning the demon- stration of athietics for, men and women at a concert to be. held in CCn- cinnati March 31 to April 3. BAHA'I LECTUR~E ias instructors, begins its House of Worship, at L n Saturday, january 30, in and Sheridan road, Wil in Winnetka Comnmufity Sunday afternoon ser, iery week since October o'clock on january 31. ructive work bas been done ______ g, painting, and nmodeing M.adMs .Rs life, animais and figure as MranMr.TRs eative design and imagin- 307 Woodstock avenue ;well e, E4 tte, at the at 3:30. 1 Coyne of renilworth, Bloom Make Sense aile a Brinsley at Neze Upper ieft, Rc David) and Mine4 presentea from the rm-jance tc'il qo to tMe relief of Oio river valley poa suJJCTe', >wland Wehr (Servant N. U. Basebail Team to r Coburn (Bob Acres). pkvV 6( tIMeRS ii o .J,. as r -~ I -JA