OiZ JINLNS IAil Staple Stocks SpeciallyA Basket weave dish ciotha in a sturdy lock-stitch. Checked in jréen, blueerel. goiînd hlack. 15X18. $1 dozen. Good, durable quality Irish lnen t owel for dishes or glasses. Checked in red, blue. green. gold. 17x33. $2.95 dozen. WAMSUTTA SUPERCALE Since 1841.* the Ff' usa label bas been à symbol of. peerless qualitv in percale shects and cases. Lest year a new weave was ntroduced, called Super. cale. en even finer product, sinoother t. the toucl,, stronger and more durable. ADMIRAI. This smart new1 or colors. comi towej, in iwhitt beil plain, $2.60 JA'NUAýRY 28, 1937 n Or toue