Clyde P. Ross, 1321 Chestnut ave- nue, is spending ten days in New Orleans and San Antonio, Texas, oni business. FORT LAUDERDALf F LORID A A tropical woftder- land where sum- mer spende th winter. Gulf nwlmmling ye ar 'round. A frlendly place to relax In the health-glvlng mull. For Rentals Leases -Sales Writ. or Wt, t. MASKINS & CO, Fort LanierdaJe, Fia. traffic represenitatiVe in sellinig tickets. to north shore travelers, who a re planiing to leave fte sottthern wiflter resort ceniters. Lt 'is a ýve ry simplle,,matterù to have onles car sbipped-f romf Chicago, to any Florida point- 1and.,it. ill be awaiitig ,you upo n your arrivai, whether you. travel on the Florida Àrrow -)26 - hour Chicago - Florida train, The Southland. or The Flamn- ingo., By. using the Penntsylvailia's. new, "tjcketing!'. for transporting automobiles, the. traveler may ad& as many as six' extra . days to his Florida vacation; this period of time Clyde MalloryLine Resume W.. I. Cruises Another season of Carnival Cruises opened this week with the sailing of the~ T. S. S. Iroquois, of the Clyde- Mallory Lines, in a thirteen-day itini 2trv- ranizd tn cover a large enced as pioneers ini the in- y favored all-expense cruise, ficials of the Clyde-Mallory elected four ports-Miami, iJamaica, B. W. I., Port- e, Haiti, and Havana, Cuba g a most colorful, rornanticy *e sports of e enchant- of Allah.,, înese 5 -pop ier the ive. I ------------------ .these -,