play carried the heavies to a 32 to 28 Win. Early 'in' the fracas, Highland Park presented a threat which proved v'ery temnporary,, for the Trevarians surged, to a commanding lead, at the hall- wa£ mark. PBud Stillman, Jack ýFitzger*Id, and HàroldFinich on several. occasions dem-i onstrated cleverly coordinated passing that left one man ini the :clear for enongh tirne to spin 'a "set-up". through the 'hoop'. . Finch, was generally the blocking mîan for theseplays, passing out cither to Stillmafi or Fitzgerald. Pra-ttv Lon.', Shots ('huck. Soule balanced theégrey-green attack with some very pretty long shots, which, harassed the visitors no end, since thev had heencrowdinig their de- fense narthe: basket 'in. a (esperate éndeavor to stop the sholrt-ýshoppoint parade. Spectator interest was kept at a high piýtch +heatise the rep-a ss -nfthosof both teains resulted i a number of interceptions. Thuls, the play swept itadlong froin 011e el)(l of th e flo"r t(", the other, changing direction at bines wîith startling rapidity. Then, too, the boys f romi the north, refusing at any timne to- concedé defeat, staged a spec- tacular rally in the closing periods. A crowd always appreciates a battie coin- hining sustained, speedy action and doubt as to ultiniate outcomie. Titleward marched the New. Trier freshnan-sophomore cage teani, Mien, ini the preliniiniary gamne, Iast Friday, they trampled Highland Park, 40) to 31. Rigo Marchini paced the Indian Hill school, building a total of 21 points for hiniself. Marchini gave the i "- pression of scoring almost at will, wlicth'er dribble-in setups or on long tosses. Dicic Reynolds solved the Blue defense for 10,pôints. This team. it is Miss , and ber of Wini niorth sl to New ýr a two week§' h floT Oai, lady'. lI ,M mcked gstaten of cin -L