"Because of thefr cotnplete cover- age and flexibility, newspapers prove especially valuable for our advertis- ing," Nunn said.: Stand;ard in- its winter advertising. campaign. also uses farmn papers, trade publications and outdoor advertiîng. The newspaper canlpaign advertis- ing 6 #one-second starting" and high niileage -of the new Standard winter gasoline has la striking feature in the cartoons of' George Lichty.> Eýxaggerated comic situations, are. depicted by Lichty as resulting fromù the use of the new fast ýstarting' gAsoline. For'example, a puilmotor car answers an cmergency cal! before the skater even fails through the ice, a* hu sband drives home froni work before his wife even starts preparing the supper, a furniture van ~plls, p tl*oa~i~d 4efocre tlwt lrewly- weds' new home is even half built, and a hoxing champion arrives by. auto in time to clinxb into the ring before the prelirninary bouts even start. Other newspaper ads advise that the righit grade of inotor oil for winter is as important as the right kind of clothes. They are illustrated with a Ilshiver" series of pictures, including one. of a pretty girl in lier tennis /4 à. * .1/fl f lSE a 'a AM1 j' Arnerica," Sermon Topie "The Future of Judaisrn i Arer- ica" will be the subjeict of Rabbi Charles E. Shulrnan's sermon at the services of the North Shore Congre- gation Israel, Glencoe, Sunday morti- ing, January 31. 1The biennial convention which thec Union of American Hebrew Congre- gations has just concluded in New a, 1emonr>trationof met KEEPWARMAND,:DI&V ýol, Kenil-, lIL I à I « wetk. Hie I l éIn and gave ods used. e e e EPEeN. 0964