Veil at Wedding Her nother's6 wedding . eil Of nousseliie-d&esOie and -a tvhite,: velvet dress were worn by:Miss , Lucy jorjorian, dauighter of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Jorjorian of 11719 Elmnwood avenue, for her miar- narige last Saturdayý evenin.g to Raynonid Najarian, the son of :V. K. Najarian of Evanston. The dress wvas miade on princess Elnes with, a train, -and the veil fell from ,a Juliet1 cap of pearis.,The- bride wore a necklace of pearis and carried a boutquet of hulies of thé valley, gardenlias and sweet peas. bnr.HubtedCafrtont eadthe'wed- ding service at St. Augustine's Epis- copal church at 8:30, a receptioli for ail of the wedding guests immediateiN foilowing at the 'church. Later .a smaller reception was held at the j orjorian home, for the families and out-of -towfl guests. Bouquets *of 1eter luIes decorated the altar of St. and verY tull sîeeves were wu- un the. bride's two attendants. Her sis- ter, Araxie, the maid of honor, was in old rose, and Miss Frances Najeriafl, sister of the bridegroom and the bridesmaid, was in plum. Cording trimmed the skirts and. the peplums -f thp tight ndices 'of their dresses, Nlills college iii O akland, C alif , i making extensive plans for the cele- bration of two nIoteworthy dates in its history. In the ,first place, it is rememberiflg tha t 85 yearsý ago, i 1852, just two years after California' was admitted to statehood, this in- stitution was foutnded as a young. ladies' semiiary in that pioncer west- cri euland. O f more immnediate interest to the Chicago Milîs club, are thie cere- mnonies attending the conipletion of twenty years of devoted service by Dr. Aurelia. Henry Reinhardt, as presidlt of Milîs.> Dr. Reinhardt is iii Chicago this week and the aluxnuac, of this area are in vitilig their friends to meet her Friday eveimg, January 29, at '8:30 o'clock; at the Chicago colege , lub, 96-ast .Delaware ,Place. The conimittee iii charge is coni- rs. posed of Mrs. HJerbert H. 'Matthews and Mrs. Charles S. Lewis, jr., of Ise Glencoe; Miss jean Siater of WVin- D. netka; Miss Grace Pushmnan of Ev- ,-d aîston; Miss- Virginia Preston of he Chicago, and Mrs. Paul H. Van Verst ufp f Oak Park. The4 Lyn ch, Berna r avenue, C7agile3 at alu 44 l ' aprese t a4L ti e e uV1 Northidge wNoies be read Saturday, February 20, for The mexubers of the Northridge Miss Virginia Kloepfer of WinnetkaI Woman's club are planning a dinnier and Edwin P. Erland, son of Mr. and pryfor members and their lins- Mrs. J. P. Erland of Evanistoii. The partyservice, to be read by the Rev. bands on $aturday, January 30. The Thomas J. Burke, pastor of Faith, dinner is to be served at 6:30 o'clock Hope, and Charity parish, will be' fol- at the home of Mrs. David Johnson, îowed by a reception at 4 o'clock. 1221 Cleveland street, Wilmette'. Fol- The wedding and reception are taking In a hom-e wedding ceremnfy at 5'lok last Satlu Olcirday afteir- n1oon at the l4arry Sherwifl resi- denice, 1029 Greenwood avenueî, Miss Anne Sher yfl dugte o Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherwîfl, becarne the bride of joachili Czerwonky, son of Mr. and. .Mrs. Richard Cg 1erivofky of 834 MNonroestreet, Evanston.. .Thîe younig couple. repeate(l their t'ows be!fore a wjndow screened with huckleber .ry boughs and, arbor vitae and l)anked on ete side, with.vases Of liEaster hules and candelabra. Other vases, filed with caster hues éýand, .%,Iiite carnations completed the dec- orations in the house. Following the -céremni6iXVwhich- was peforina4 y. Sthew Rev. Barry Horne of Holy Name f c-thtýdalin Chicago, a reception \%shèd White moiré fashioned the bride's ýf wedding dress, which was made %vith ýt a high draped neckljne, , tightfitting siceves puffed f rom the elbow to the shoulder, and a full skirt falling into a slighit train. A halo cap of thread lace held her. tulle veil in place, and t-ie.a round bouq:uet of white style. A wreath of pink roses in lier hair and pink slippers matched hier round bouquet of pink roses. Andreas 'Czerwonky served his brother as best mati. Mrs. :Sherwin was in a dress of win'e crepe with corsage of gardenias, and the miother of the bridegroon woÉe turquoise bIne crepe and a cor- .sage of gardenias. ;. £Atter a we and his bride wil Prairie avenue, at hnm anston. tic CI Lwk road, 2are taing an apartment street, Winnettca.