who is national president, wil1 preside at al1 sessions. Other national offi- cers Who will be in- attendance- are Mrs.. Maurice L., Goidmnan of New York" first. vice-president; Mrs. Joseph H. Welt of De troit, second vIce-president;. Mrs. Alexander Wolf of Washington, third vice-president; Mrs. 'Benjamin: Marvin of. Hollis, Long island, treasurer; Mrs.' Her- mani Levine of West englewod New Jersey, financial, secretary; and Mrs. Gerison, B. Levi, of Chicago, recording secretary, Mrs. Samuel Alschuler of Chicago also is a mcm- ber of the Board. Mrs. Marion M. Miller of New York, executive direc- tor of the National Council 'of Jewish Xomcni, ill also bé in attendance. 1The mee tings of the nationial board are of extreme imiportanice because the- tigàiiztiafô' ôi y hôlds its' tna- tilonal copveutioius onice every three yea rs. Plans for the next Trienuiiel at Pittsburgh., iii 1938 will .be con- s id ered. The Chicago section of thec council, Mrs. Harry J. Myerson, president, wiIl enitertaini the visitinig directors at a dliinier oni the eveing of Tuesda, February 2, at the Coveuanit club. at the annual noon,> the first. The president. Mrs. Wallace I- Mi est avenue was h< friends for luncheon ber home Tuesday. reviews which will constitute the pro- Dy xoDet P . T. '..omn; "Th. e reoPle, gram. Yesi" by Carl. Sandburg. ýCrime, which is on the increaseii S .problem toward whose real. solu-L tion we have made very littie prog-. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Ide, J. ress, aý%lthough millions 'have been formerly of 1332. Forest avenue, Wil- spent in endeavor, the speaker of. mette, have moved t'O Gary, nd. L the afternoon, the. Rev. Ralph A. Gallagher, eminent- sociologist, -told the ýmember-.s- in -his talk on delin- quency in, boys and girls. it's ev .ery- SE H E body's problem, ýit is a problern ouiI D U E W youth, of young people, and while >it FLORSHIM S maày.touch t his vicinity only lightly, "club women should. be, interested, FOR MEN catholic womien should be interested" in .this:problemi andiis solution,. in those measures wvhich, by improv1nii living conditions 'and educationai QNLY, facilities, miay hielp to lessen it. "'loA renmbgr hat alj criru»nls .arc, human beiugs - to try to .understand E the niind of the criminal boy and criminal éýirl -to try to understand D Y what they've done and wvluy," are sug- gestions the speaker offered in an LEFT effort to trY to solve crime problems. "To try to understand the cause in the life of a criminal, to try to get bis slant - to let delinquent boys and . Smnart Collegiate Types lnc giuls.aud crinials know that some- Îaîsinerested iiitlienisonielody WORTI4MQIE GRADES C ;new members of the accordung to the sxv. mr. u a45Ugne, enilworth, directors,. are- really needed in approac hing the )f the day ernbarked solution of crime. trip to foreign ports The problemn of home environment breakfast TuesdaY and training, ("sixty-five percent of stop being Honolulu- delinquent boys and girls ini courts to- Mrs. G. W. Vaught, day are from broken homes") is a ýnd the .necks of new vital factor, the speaker pointed out. h nt , nrn ,liirinn. I - -i -- I%.I4-- and in a rlingered around the tea their usual social period.- Wasll papeta refiniabing sip covers acoesories HOE SALE FOR WOMEM cluded Wn This Sale >N SALE AT $4-85 Whether You Go.. IB radle y Knits Exclusively,