*How long has it been ince you have really taken an, inventory of your home? How long siuîce you last had your kitchen painted, your basement cleaned P " How long have you been longing for smrn more electrio outiets? Venetian blinds? New slip coveratp " Why keep wishing when the Home Service Page of your Home Paper cmii quickly and Casily grant ail your wishes with the minimum of cost and bother to you. land 3846. 20LTN30-12tp worklfafl8btp. ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ box-springs, i _________1124 Gireeuleai DRÉSSMWAKING ____ GOWNS. SUITS AND DRESSES' 1.0 made, res3tyled and re-fliedý. Speclal price through 'Januar.y. Wllmette 855. FOUND -1 22LTN36-4tP near New1 _____________________Owfler may( PLAIN SEWING FOR SMALL CHIL- ction and pay dren and, young wpmen. Reasoflable prices. Akt your home or mine. Phone miss Eldredge. Willmette 2676. LOST: MAI 22LTN38-ltC spaniel, 6 ' - FAM pmeUCgcollar. Rewar Qir~1e "Y~' ~IIk LOST-PEI LOCUST FARM SOE __ SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY HOURS, 1225 wiimette Ave. Phono WII* 568 pniu 9 a.mn. to 10 Pa..Antete iue 805 Ridge Ave. let IL 9 to 12:30 a.m., 4 to 7 p.m.W Venn9 to 12 a.m. COLLECTIOI 676 Vro Ave. Glencoe d'art, furir 24LTN384ltp sacrlficed toq cail Mrs. Gec LAUN@RY 2067. ExperienCed white womafl wlshes laundry work by day or hour. _____ References furnished. T Rpattrines. 1e ries. mf, rer. WI 430. rcs BeLTN37-4tP) »ST AND FOUND____ BOY'SWRISTWATCI- Trier Hlgh ScI1ool Jan. 1ý6. dlaimn by positive identifi-, lyment of this ad. Winn. 815. SLTN38-ltC ,EÈ BLACK CO C KE R -nont4is old, wearing red r.Phone Glexicoe 919. 3LT38-itl) RSAN YBLLOW CAT!. rd. Wilmette 4086. .3LTN38-ltP FOR SALE French Wall Desk AID SATINWOOD. VINNETKA 392 $$OLD CL.,OTHES $e$ SUITS-SI-0ES-«OVERCOATS ' pUR tCOATS-PROMPT SERVICE ý.Martin's Clothing Store, 7421 Custer. Evanston Uni. 222(> É9LTN33-tfC 78 USED pUR COATrS TAKEN IN tradte. Irnmed. 'Baie, as 10w as $5. First corne flrst served. Econ. Sec., Miller Fur. 166 N. Mich., Chicago. Open evenings. ______ 9LTN37-2tc PERIAN LAMB, HUDSON SEAL, Alaska iseal, northern seal, raccoon, Jap rnlnk, .beaver and lain c9ats. Win- netka 288.- 59LTN3$-ltc 2 BOY'S SUJITS SIZE 14& 15. IN COOD CONDITION. Both for $5., Wllmette 3010. 59LTN138-îtéC gIPWYVMENT AGENM Fourt Opp. t AUX-= ýED yp 625 ExmoorRd CARPENTER, PAIN' recoatiflg, repairs of sash, screens, iroof s, PI work. Estimatefi furn.. B. Place. Wil. 4181. HU* UINOUL ,TN7-tPROOM PA Sreas.- i fur- 3413 $4 SAM- MUSIC c. Aiso learni i YoUNG CARE FOR CHILDREN EVEiS. ;and Curtis UNDAYS. ALSO WORK S(NDAYS, oInstruction. HOLIDAYS. BEST REF. WINNETKA e SLTN35-4tp 1511. 1 6 8LTN384 tl) __________WAN'rED - WORK BY THE DAY. TR1.MEN!s - Nursinlg, cookiflg. serving, cleaning, > O laundry or plain sewing. Sunday dinneys Il. éheap, "~B" flat and teas aseily etrf.WI * ý ha t ,.-Ve ao.ifn 9()go anywhere; Glencoe 1411. 6 LTN36-4tp CraftsmenI University 7210 5SSLTNIO-tfC De). . BEST OPF 908 Linden. ltpj