S'RoOýM JUNGA LOW, SUN ROOM. OIL heats completoly redecôratOd, $70 me. Ail of thèse houses are tin excellent condition a.nd modem. We have handW dail'ot the"e propertie8 be- fores and kraow they would provo satlufactory routa.is. Y'Por. appoint-ý meoto tes thoe and other listings ecal MARGARETr E. BYRN 8 N. Sheridan Rd. Highland Park 2542 CURRENT.RENTA LSý EVANSTON' 4 bedrms., tule ba. North lo ..................... $ 86 4 bedrmis., 2 ba., cen. loc......100 à bedrmus., 3 ba., furn. or unfurn. 150 WILMETTEý.- Brk. bung.,n. &oW... 75 7 rms., 1, ba., ,nr. lake. Avait no* 95 4 bedrms., 2 ba., brk. col ....... 150 KENILWORTH-Mod. brk., 3 bed- rmns. 2 ba., o>l heat......... *125 'Uflg. br.,4 edrv<n, 2 ba. oilhtL 150 WINNETKA-Attr. 4 bdrms., 2 ba., ohlit . ......................- . 0 Many other rentais. Caîl for list. THE BILLS REALTY, 111c..ý 529 Davis St., Evamsfl Gre. 1166-M"11. 3740 97LTN38-ltc LET OUR *RENTAL SERVICE Helu vou ind an attractive, Greenleaf 1855 , ollycourt 1855. WINNETKA-790 Elm- St..- Winnetkè. 2100 Brligate 1855 HIGHLAND PARI-5 S. Sgt. Johns Hlghland Park 18565 99LTN38-Itc WB HAVE A CLIENT Who wishes to securo a. modern home of 5 bedrooms, 3,~ baths, librar> or* sun porch.. May lut possession. Call Miss Thomas W.,G.:RUGGLEýS & CO.* 517 DavisSt., Evanhton WiI. 1660 99L'TN38-1tc, Rellable-.family of 2 aduit,4 wantà smail* modern borne l Winnetka,- now or May 1. Nules Center. 496, 99LTN3 8-1 p RESPONSIBLE PARTY Aants 5 bedrm. 3 bath lieuse. Winn. or Ken. $125 to $150. 99LTN38-1te 6 11OOM~ HOUSE NEAR SCHOOL AND3 trans. preferably 2 story. Must 4o ln good 'repair and reasonabie. No brokers. 'Write B-37, Box 60, Wiimette, 111. 99LTN38-Itp, FOR MENT-STrORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT Store and Anartment reaeBcoral car gar. . W. neat, 66 i te 4a 139000. Glencoe 8 rooms-4n Monroe Ave. Brick and otone, 5 bedroons,.3 baths, 2 car garage. H. W. heat, o11, Quiet street, no traMe. $23,500. il ROOMS-ýNear Skokle Golf Club. Beautiful English, brick, homne. 7 bed- roomu, 4 bathu. In fihe condition. Large: yard. Beautifuliy landscaped. Easy terlieË. $30,000. 7 ROOMS-White brick built ln 1929. Near Skokle'Golf Club. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths on 2d fi. Third floor can be finhed at very little expense. $210500. 7 ROOMS-North East Glencoe. White uhingle, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathu on 2nd. fi. Exterior Just decorated. On quiet winding road. H. W. heat, oi. 2 car, grg.Beaut. ravine at rear of lot. 1505 Chicago Ave. EASTI XVIIM COOPER Gré. 3030 111LTN38-lte, ILTTE gardon. Prioed right. BEST. VACANT BUY-50 FT. LOT ON MacLean Ave.-$4260, with assess- monnts ;prac3tically paid. We alo have complete list of 'Kenilworth. vacant. CaliMiss Cronk, Winnetka, 2700. Briargate 1855. WINNETKA' LOVELY BRICK COLONIAL-6 BED-? roome, 3 baths. Onnicel6xl87 tt. lot ln fine distriict. Priced'to, seli. Cali Mr. Pietsch, Winn. 2700,. Br. 1856. S. JE. WINNETKA,-NEAft SCHOOLIS and. tranSprttion-S 4room home: 6 bedrooms, 2% bathe; library;-3-1 ire- pae.This home offors "a'heap ocf liig"Real opportunityat $15.000.' Mrs.. Didriksen, Gre. 1855, Hol. 1855. GLENCOE BEFORE MAY -1 TiSf BRICIC ENG-, Ilsh home will be sold. Pe rfect con- dition: compact iayout of 6 rooms, 1 bath; ohl heat; 1-car garage; wooded rear yard, fenced. Fine ~neikhbkr'hood but hôtt d.Owfte will consider reasonable offers. 584 Drexel Ave.-See Mr. Pietsch for appt. Winn. 2700, Bni. 1855. 900 SHERIDAN ROAD-NEAfl LAKE~. 1-14 acres ln highest elevation: 9 room brick residence; oil. heat ; 2-car ga- rage with quarters. In fine condition. Priced iow. Mr. Clover, Winn. 2700, Brn. 1855. iDIGNIFIED, YET 1 NEXPENSIVE. French chateau of 9 roomns, 4 baths on 1 acre. Lovliest of detai-and exquisitely arranged. 4 minutes te HighlandPrk rab ,$~, lNw'~¶P DESIRABLE OFFICE Elm St. Winnetka; IM Will arrange te suit tenar 97LTN3$-lte 3250. For Rent f or 2 Years _____FO',_S8AL-HOLý LOVELY 8 ROOM, 2 BATH HOME IN EAST WINN. Attr. family Unil. 0283 jEvanston Wiu. 241 111LTN8-1 An Outstanding Bargain in Ideal Location ar lake, tcloàe tc yachit clubb and anspotation and, tile. baths. Lava- acre or garage; tion. Ce. infnest section: 3 large, eh with 2 ciosets and. robe. Priced right. See A. BUY-HOUSE ANI) d. 6 room stucco; 2-car schools 'and transporta- Dtlrchased, at conserv..a- at 10 UIRF, & ORR, Ic. Rl. B. WH' Ave., Çlencoe Glencoe 13 140 Conter street $7LTN38-1t.c ýCo. 1RkB. WH etka 3250 140 Conter street ,TN38-ltc for $13,000. 'AKER Co. Winnetka 32501 Central 1855 1-D)& ~ re 111TN)- 338 t 111ËTN38-it