A, Birge, *ho is now 85 years old and stili active as a scientist. The. program for the'Chicago clubs. as announced by the respective preste1 dents, james D. Peterson of Wilmiiette and Mrs. O. E. Burns of Rogers Park, i-, as fllows: A smorgasbord , dinner, crainatic sketches byZelliner. cotmmunitv s-ing-' ing l&d by -Bill Rossi the haif-hour' national broadcast. and dancing 1w Gladys Bezazian. Following the din- ner and program therewhe social, dancing and cards. NBC Broadcaàt The blue netwvork of NBC %wilI caery .1 ron T. Harshiaz(, 1173 .4sbimr the broadcast at .9:30 p. ni.- On the avne abadWos ;onct program will be theWicnn band, the Glee club, Don Ameche front detsn gnc .cqie a T-olly wood, Harry E. Bullis, president1 join'd thte Chica o toffic-e of. Gariii- of the Wisconisin Aluinni association bÎ-Eadcoinpany. -Mr. Hiarshaqt fronti Minneapolis, Coach Stuh1ldre1ier, 1had 1* bcc1iassocia ted zwith Ewu and other celebrities. Chicago alumnii lý svan onpiy wvill present William E. Drips, agri -_________and___________ cultural director for NBC and head -__ (4 the Farm and Home hour, and I i1dr George Haight, well known attorney. ýIvite V la-e to These two wilI present a skit 'aboutI Hoe Mo rSa n the founding of the university. Mr. oe M trSa n Haight's grandfather gave sonie of North shore niotorists will hait the land on which the university nowithe new era of automobile trans-1 stands.' portation - streamuined beauty of Zelliner, U.\W. '24,. wil resent a mechanica1 nerfectiont - when thel Secretaries...jon367 Beautiful ,and stuirdY in al perlôo. bMalogany,* Knot .ted -PIne and Early Améeic&n, aple. Daven ports....rr Ppriùd and modern. Knee-Joie De sks.. In Mapie, MahogaiN- ah« Waliiut. Governor Wisnthrop Desks, Maple and Mahogany. $49S.5 323.50 $rr 27.195 limer spring mattresses from ....... Spri,ing' fromn Scores of .AMPS ftom$Lf8It Table, Bridge, Floor and boudoir hI lassIcatid modernl treatments. made almost instantancpously. Scene ericail au iollows scene with a fluid rhvthm and and shinly freedoln from effort. The soecial the. very s;tage. settinLys are ini keeping ith the be parked sIleidor of the characterizations, luxurious WelI Known Artist saggio of MFr. Zeliner was a member of th efre Players, club at Mvadison and bas Ini keepi Mrs. Ralph Bohn, cago, o TF-vanston, or Mrs. , aSîl Chiase avenue, Chii- 1 fiends- the - otel. ges and pas- Admission is Clearance Sale of 9A12 Mohawk BUGS 529.50 Latest designe iiilu vely 4colors. currênt boom Solid Black Wainut istrv. the ex- Bedroom Set Cernpiete $89.75 argesf Motor. ny niodels of L a¶dder baek bed, dresser, irrai ' I ~- , ~I D. Peterson, 10' Alumni and tii ýto attend.