mm r the<1weditor 1ay Tumai aoontombe b m .for AMERicANs:ALL, Appalling as are the unprecedented floods which have swept down the Oblo, Mississippi and other rivers, wreaking death, destruction and disease upon the belpless residents of hundreds of cities, and towns and farms, tbey have served to once more deinonstrate the predominant characteristic of the Ameri can people, which is generosity to fel- low men ini distress. No. sooner bad the serious - ness of the situation been flashed from one end of the country to, the other than relief organizations sprung iflto action to meet it and do what migbt be donc to lessen its miagnitude and give relief to the vctims. The'iëtoid ofthe flôîcýd'isàreâda r~ ecord of al- most superbuman physical exertion, of personal sacrifice, of the outpouring rom every city, town and hamiet of money, food, clothing, bedding and other things required to save life and afford coin- fort to those wbose bornes were carried away, with ali their belongings. No finer or more splen- did answer h*as ever been given to the age-old question, "Arn I niy. brotber's keeper?" It was iziven, too, without any loss of, titne in,. discussion, negotiations and plans is the Sheridan Shore Yacht club, the 'mernbersbipof wbicb includes citi- zens of praçtically ail towns, from Evanston to Lake Forest. This organization bas been actively seeking a site 'for a permanent cltibbouse borne,' preferably adjacent to the harbor. But any investrnent in tbis direction, it is stated, depends upon adequate harbor facilities, and wbite this might be achieved througb dredging the present harbor, future needs demand an extension of tbe harbor area., Efforts to enlist the interest and financial aid of the War department or Works Progress administration bave been renewed, and tbe matter of approval and flnancing is noWý being discussed with the propeýr federal authorities.. That somnetbing must výery.soon be done with the barbor is generally recognized. Sand washed in frorn the lake has filled the barbor te sucb an ex- tent that the Coast guard cannot lawich its largest boats, a condition that may at any tume result in great loss Cf hf e through sorne lake disaster. -The -tiiie to remnedy that situation is now, before tra-. gedy rides the waves. The improvemefit proposed by the Park boàrd, while it appears to be ambitious, is really flot as costly as one might think. For one reason. the Park board bas a large' quantity of mnaterials on hand, and as the labor, which is reported to consti- tute about 90 per cent of the total cos.t. is. to be private capital for this express purpose, they asie: *'Why should Washingtonl use federal funds for purely competitive.purposes?" Answer: Bëcaùse itcan.and is fot afrai.d'to. A snooping- (not this) reporter, legging it here and there, hither and yon, snoopering people of the conimon, or great middle class (as differeti- ated f romn "econornic royal- ists"), espied the emporiumn of a tonsorialist, sornetimfeS pro- fanely referred to as a barber. It being.the assignmenlt of the' snoopilg- reporter to inter- view sucb persons and relay hurnan interest fàcts to. bis awaiting public, he barged into the place and asked the tonsorialist how he managed to live; wliat were his hopes, faiths,. ambitions, joys, hob-1 hies, peeves, sorrows,' what not; farnily, home life, prospects, etc. As rapidiy as he could untangle the questions the tonsorialist irnparted to the snooping reporter the informiation that he lived by scraping faces and cutting bair: that he was married;- had three cbildren; loved hjs wife; owned, a vine-covered cottage that is the ap- tion whenever and wnerever1 der the direction of its local Becker for Wilmnette; Miss D ilworth; Mrs. Willoughby. W and Mrs. Harry Holloway fc of collecting mnonéy -and supp within a f ew hours after ii the need arises. Un- 1 chairnien, Elmner D. Doris Fraser for Ken - Jalling for Winnetka, or Glencoe, the work ,plies was inaugurated iltructions were re- ton park, is taking- into consideration thie îuture developrnent of Baba'i temple, with whicb it bas noting to do beyond rnaintaining a harmony of appearance and the providing of unobstructed views from varioüs portions of the park. Progress toward con summration of the plans will be watched witb kéenest interest, not only by, those who enjoy the park and niake practical use of the harbor, bu*t by those who are concerned on'y %vitb the beautification of the lake front. wife nappeneci to ne present). 'Geting UQwn lU cases, the snooping reporter inquired: "Now, of ail of these 'wonderful possessions -that are yours, which do you most bighly prize, and with wIiich would you part last?" Like a flash came tbe an- swer: "My barber shop." An Arkansas lawyer lias been pinched by federal authorities for selling "lletitious" divorces. Really, now, how many divorces are secured hon- estly? r now surrounds Cairo on al aides," read y caption. Why can't these caption writ- e themselves clear? Does this one mean te is watcr ail arouuid CairoP Chicagoland stili plays the role of sweetbeart te the weather man. Tus PHAN&xtom RPR Ali