a sïngle four, or 80 t stemed to bis mother. "I just said, 'Baloney, 'twasn't any such -thing'," and he lookced confident- ly up at bis mother for.the answer. "W ell, dear," said moôther, "you like history so much you"ll have 'an inter- e sting- story to tel! the fellas about 'Hospital Sunlay.' . "'It is always held., in Evanston the second Sunday in February (Febru-1 ary 14). The 'collections 'taken'up on that day ini al the Evanston, churches are given te Evanston hospital. That's wh.v they caîl the day 'Hospital Sun- day'. "Why do tbey do that, Mother?" asked the lboy curious!y. 1COMnsuty Reponsihulity Theni mother explained tbat every city or community assumes the reý- sponsibility to take care of the poor tauit ofttRi pay for tre physician, th~ they can go. is. the Out-P. 2flston h bnil J thie concert. JAn interesting. character is the mild-mannered director of the group, John Marinus KuYpers.- A com- paritively Young man.. he was made director of the choir in 1933. Previ- ous to that he had been a member of several chamber music groups, and was for three years with. one of America'. outstaniding. sympbony or- chestras, as cellist.' His .education, re- celved both in Europe and America, as well as an early life of. travel as an apprentice seaman, bas igiven him a cosmopolitani background., This.,factor, plus an intimate' ac- quaintance with philosophy and liter- ature, enables him to understand the Iinterpretations necessary correctly to Istage bis musical numbers., T?à Sonm rtb Lt' a in 'the sanctuary of t'he church. No admission Willi be charged; -a silver off ering will be taken, at the inter'-' mission., Annual Williams College Dinner to Be Held Feb. 5. The annual Williams colieffe ban-' quet will be held at the Chicago Ath- letic club Friday evening, February 5, at 6:30 oclock. President Tyler Den- nett will give the principal address. The college treasurer, Charles D. Makepeace, and trustees William P. SdeJohn P. Wilson, and Stilîman Westbrook will attend the dinner. Williams graduates iesiding on the north shore bave been urged to at- retations a deptb O EFO OT , c nst ntl noe- M r. and M rs. James Gathercoul ýstosoîoists in and their two daughters who have tWO been in Florida for six months are )bert Beckerudorf now at home at 124 Lockerbie lane. huenemann. Mr. The family was in the south while Sthe tenor s0lo Mr. Gathercoal was engaged in the being bis third, architectural work on the Governors' capacity. He i5 club botel in Et. Lauderdale. le is cburch singer in now associated with R. B3. Whitaker does a consider-I and company. %vas on-e who came to and was not sick enoui to bed, and left the1 seeing the doctor and re ment. ,,She also told vyoung 'e frpmn 'l fIlin. - Glen tra-- we read of 'Hospital of thé 1 held each year." Suniday'e being tbiat's a swell story! sany of mybhistoryl irl POID Lubrieants"e The automobile industry is recommending VIS- COTE. HYJ>OID LUBRICANTS. OnIy one grade of grease services YOUR car correctly. It is avail. able at your VISCOTE dealer's now. It coines ins sealed tusbes, assuring you of its freshness, purity n parties and rumarage iws were eriven to Taise m pay for the hospital. But,