~Hastings Bradley win Lecure F.bruary 17. The, Womnan's auxiiargy of'.As- sociation Neighborhood EHouse in Chicago is sponsoring a bene-, fit lecture by Mar y Hastings, .,Bradley in the .'Red, Lacquer room of the Palmner House on. Wednesday. afternioon, Febru- ary 17, at 2:30 o'dock. Mrs. B3radley ,â ChicagoanI is a well known, charming, and popular lectturer. She is also an author of. note. The subject mnatter for this lecture is said to be- entirely new and un- used, "'Humor in the Adveflturous Life." An~ opportunity to meeVt 3rs. Bradley wilI be given ait at the re- ception following: "Association House is the 'House of the Friendly Spirit'," the auxiliary announces, as it urges, "do help to mnake it also the 'House of Beauty and CharnV.?" One of the nortb shore mnembers of the committee is Mrs. A. S. Van Deusen of Evanston, f roui 1 2, whom information may be obtained., nigflt iuesuiiy, rLurDII4 :;,,-, o'clock. The, club considers that it is very fortunate, to have as the speaker at that time, Sir Artbuir WillertK.E, former press of- ficer and bead of the news depart- ment o f the British Foreign Office, who will use as bis subject, "Europe 1937." Sir.Arthur bas been a mnember of numerous British delegations and has ateddalmost. aIl of the important international conferences since the Worl d war. He is also author of th récent widely praised, work, ,\\,hat, Next in Europe,". and is inideed in, a position to give his audience a, valu- able evening. A "man'Ils supper," il be served at the conclusion of the talk with .Mrs. orvile Warwic.k acting as hns-tess. Specks Menas Night *Ibh tatrteat Studi o P hotO ?Iiss Ja*&ttc Breinan ' who lias apprared at the Woman'zs Cal holic club, previouJslY, ivili be one of' thrce representilg book characters in the drangati.red book reviews Presented by the finc arts departme>f t of the cIf ) F.ridav olrol. erar,12, at 2 o'clo(k. Urjntjged Dool Rviews Win State and District Honers for Catholic Club The Wornan's Catholic club has received honorable .Mention both i1 theTenth district and State Federation of Women 's Clubs for dramatized book re- iesthat have been presented by, the, fine. arts departnieft f or the last three years,. On Friday afternoofl, Februtary 12, at.2, o'clock, at the Wvihnette' Won-. an' s clul), two of the. popular booàks of the, season will be dr a-. mnatized in* the reviewsôobe given by MÉs. Frank X.,Thale. The prograni is entitled, "An Af- ternoon With l the Best Sellers of 1937." The *»ew books will be dis- cussed, the reasons why they hbave attained popularity being explained. Included in these books will be the Internati'olal Prize novel, "The Street -of the Fishing Cat," by jolan Foldes, .which lias just been released l)y the publi.gherq; The two book., to. be reveiwed are ýThe Sound of Running Feet," by Josephine Lawrence,. and .Goiic \Vith the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell. ally, anci splrtually iisa' vvri This work bas grown fromn a sinall group of girls and boys wbo needed wbolesomle superised recreation. The door, lwelconie," literally opens 150,000 tues yearly to admit boys, girls, young people, and adults to the bouse for their various activities. the morninfg u itil 3 i the af-ternoon will be the first of a series of bake sales to be hield at 1105 Central ave- nue, in th e National Tea store, which wil1 lie spoÉsored Iiy the, Third di-, vision of the Woman's Aid society of the W il n ct te Parish Methiodisi church. youiijg piîn t. w t .7mut tilt i. grain. The hostesses for the afternoon wil1 be Mrs. \icholàý Peuichcr, Mirs. T. A. Làiftou. ai Mrs. Jamnes P. Reich- Pre-Lenten Lundîeon For i uere ~served The Phi Delta Theta Mothers' and Drecee Alumni Wives' club is having its of Mr next meeting at the Phi Delta Theta avenut bouSe, lUniverity. campus, Evanstoà, to bhe Thw'siday,Febray- Il, at. 2,- clocl<. noon iljworth. Reservat by. eallng Mr. ay at ber. home. ;club, Ime r.veninig uiani ffilmette, and also at the Chicago lege club. Her subject will be the >me Harruoniolls." Reading Circte Meeting The reading circle wiIl meet at 1 O'clock Monday,. February 8, at the home of Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- £ helm. 702 Lake avenue,.1