Childreiz like these vbosf roi the' Lake Bluff orphgaa z!,ill beusefit * roin the' card part y, fashion show> cwàid book revieup zehici ht/e frieiids of, Lake Bluff Orphaniage w<ill hold at thse Bvanstosu Wossan's club osi Wcdnes- *day afternoont, March 3. This neelv organî.zéd group ls already contrbittd sfilsteÏtial1 suins totathe ref isiasd redecoratissq of the institution bildingýs, ansd c.rpects tfi) make 'Possible' ,uasyadditiousal imsp/rovmeuu'nts with tisetins reali.sed o, t is large aff ais-. --b theran: Ladie Donel Proceeds 6-f C; d Aid. Meets Today;. P rty fo he RedCrs ~ ~ The Evanston and North Shore Lists Circle Uays'Alumnae chapter of Delta Ga mm1 -donaed oue>4u#4 of te i,1ceeds froiw TIie Ladies' Aid societv of St. the card party %vhich followed the John's Lutheran chutrchi \Vill hoid luncheon Monday at the home of its nionthly meeting rhrda <Irs. E. Royce Armstrong in Evanston Zb to the .Red Cross for flood relief. .Mrs. iebruary 4, at 2 o'clock at. le IArmnstrong was out of town, but the chuirch. The societv. an.nounices meinblers of the chapter were lier the compIlete list of circle uleet- guests for luncheon. Mrs. J. E. Mc- imgs 1()r the mnith of Fhar.Fadden of Evanston, the new social They re a folows:chairman, was assisted with the ar- Theyare s folowsrangements for the card party by F eDruary 11, the U.nsîureii« circie, DOQ0XKevview beries 2 o'clock, at the home of -Mrs. WV. Ifs nButsi oeigle Zibhl, 125 Wasingtn aveue. at 533 Maple avenue Tuesday Februarv 12, the Winnctka CwICle, snorning, February 16. at 10 o'clock 8~~~~~~~ "lok att'oîn~ fMr.C those who wishi to attend the book, Ane rsn 97 C ery stet \ review that Mrs. Carl jolinsen of iietka.Winnetka will give under the auspices *February 18, the Social circle. 1 q the Wilniette center of. the Infant o dock, ,at. the hiome of Mrs. G. Pèter- 1 WVelfare Society of Chicago. This is son. 1334 Maplc avenue. Aie first of the second series of book February 19, the Frietidsip circle ceviews to be. sponsored by the Wil- 8 o'clock, at the home of NIrs h:. mîette center. TO WNAR I04 Nw UNDER YOUR FUR COAT M\r. and Mrs. Westoui E. Davie of 740 Maclean avenue, Kenilworth, entertained a group of friends for cocktails before the dancçe at the Kenilwortb club Friday evening. -Stephen A. Williams, Jr., 1352. Cliestnmut aveniue, is spending a month in Miami, Fia., with relatives and is enjoylnig a great deal of golf playing. 709 CHURCH STREET