$100O5 Tbe oe*w bo*wIeu 1,s e fr0 huge success. It's so very jaunfy, 50. very youtbful for your taitored suit end ai your sport clothes. If cornes, fao, in jlorious new spring colors. And tb.res a littie ofi-the-face hat <nof illustrated). thoef ;s, ifs boon companibn, earch- et for. tailored pinth $3.93 Moderato.. Price Shop Stunningj suifs- suifs'fhat you'il weer in February under your coat and that wiil be the màlist&a, ýôf yôùr wérdrobé 11 Spring long. It is with justifiable pride thaf the Moderate Price Shop presents these suifs - they're distinguished for their qualify fabrics, for the line of their cut, and for their tailoring - ancd ail tiiot et such a very smail price. are an .ntegral suit, costume and Above, men's wear febrics taitored' with precison by men 'who know the importance of careful 'work'. CAR A.STEVENS, Ince 1624 Orrington Av.. Eonston chict 1I