are past or present students ickrodt H-igh school. Miss Margaret Tidenian, 138 Abing- don avenue, ICenilworth,' a student at Bradford academy in the east, is, going to Williamstown, Mass., this week-end for the winter carnival at Williams college. hotel, at 1 o'clock with, an art pro- grami given afterwards by 'Fr.ederic: White., Reservations are to be made at. the hotel, the, club. announces. Jean Wilson, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wilson, 707 Washing-m ton avenue, will entertain twelve guests at a Valentine dinner- paty at her home, Saturday, in celebra-, ýLEA&RNTO SWIMý DO'n'f b. ao"BEACH FLOWER.' You cari Ieom toô swim and dive under the. expert personal direction of ELI>ERI HALYQISEN. Former Ch&m$ion HE GUAItNTEES TO TEACH YOU 12 -tesson Cours. and 6Practice Swims For only $9 (Adutq)or$ 7 (Children) Ji ng and Ex- Announce Birfh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Swain of ibit. to Benefit M ercedes, Texas, announce the it of a daughter, Anne Brower, on jan- D. A. R.*Sckool uary 13. Mrs. Swain, the, former Charles P. Reynolds, of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Brower, rèsidents of Wilmette for .many years, of Fort Dearborri chaP- but now living in Mercedes, Texas.. the flau,-hters rof the Accent on Sont h Bradley Kngis Exeluily ;Studiq nfrr- Read hii Mrs. regent ter of