104 .m.-Preparatory service for il Holy Communion. Il a. m-Second service,' with HolY. Communion. 8 p.ni...Wëdneday-Lentën service.. Ladies' Aid, today, 2>p.>i». - Children's iChristian education classes, Baturday. 9:30 a. m.; Wedneeday, 4 ¶ p.M. Junior Walther 1 ague, Saturday, with Mary Jane Pratier, 2145 Grey avenue, Evanston; 8. . M Walt-her league -rally, Sunday,- 3:30 p.m.. at Morton Grove; .fellownhip din- ner at 6; evening program lat 7:30. Voting menibers, Tuesday,, 8 p. niM. The order of, service at il o'clock on Bunday will -include the following: Priude-Coinmunion ln E Jlnr ............ ............. .Batiste j Introt-"'Be Thou My trong-.Rock" .......Schmauck j ~offertry-Adagio ln 1B9 Éiat. . Vickmar The Sermon-"1!he Fifth Command- ment" .......... ..... Exodus 20:18 Postlude-"Grand 'friuniphal Chorus" At the close of the Sunday mo:ning services a special offering 'wll be gath- ered for a Lutheran church in Louis- ville which -was in the wrst par t of the BegtningFebrus.ry 10, Lenten iwrv- ices will be held every Wednesdayr ev- ning at 8 o'ciock. The texts for the complete. eerie.s jye announced on an- other page. "Col A it -t iweek; the pastçp wll be ln at .e unto Me, ye weary, d 1 wlll give you rest." ~esed Voice of Jesus. ich coine to heaets oppressed! for instruction ains ~pirationu. ouipr will be served at 6:30. The principal address la by the Rev. John Wesley. Elliott, wh o- Iothe- general uecrétary for ýChirIstan Education'for the Baptist churohes of thé North. Departmnent con- ferences will be led *by nationally faniogs workers lan'the aduit. young peoples, Junior an~d prlmary flelds. On Sgturday and Sunday, February 13 and.14. Young people of thi parish will participate tin the "Chicagolanid Youth Rally" at the Englewood churcb. A fasclnatirig plan for group discussions on current problema of youth, both personal and social has been, worked out, with young people of exceptional abillty ln charge. Sessions Saturday are at 3:15 and 7:45, on Sunday afterniooni at 3':30. Because of lmit of twelve hundred on Sunday, ticketsof admission should be secured, -wlthout charge. The pastor's Bible clams meeting at 10 o'clock Bunday morning, invites both younger and older adults to Join us inter-edn fte razatr pleces of *Ioly Scripture. the, great. book of Jeremiiah will ho taJcen up this week. The new telephone number at. the chureh building la Wilmette 4370. Work- ers please note this ln your year-book. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dtuing Lent there wlll be spiecélal weekday.s ervices as follows: Wednes- days: Hioly. Comùmunion,;7 a.m' - Eve- ning Prayer and addresa. 8 p.m.;- Fr1- dy.Holy Commnunion.'10 :30 a.rn. First Congregational The Rev.,.John G. Hlndley, minister "Recognlaing God Troday" wlll be the sermon themé at the il o'cloék Corm- munion service next Sunday morning.. This theme' la the firat of the annual Pre-Easter Preachlng. program on "ýOur Everlivlng 'Faith.'" An offering wlll be recelved.for the Deacon?'fund. The mustlc for the service wlll be-as follow.t: Prelude--Meditation......... Valdes Anthem-"Jerusalem, O Turn -Thee 'to the Lord" ...........Gouinod Offertoire Quartette--"Jesus, Do Roses Grow So Red?" . ..... Voris Mis$ Emilly Roberts-Organilat Director A. J. Coburn will be the speaker, at. the Kappa Pi Phi meeting next Sun- day evening at 5:30 p.m. vi*errory-L.7AflWr ue ....... . SjyrA *meeting u-' - Solo-i n My Father's House Are Many Mrs. H. L. Griç Mansions .. . . Ward-Stephens Mrs. W. F. NM (Mr. Rigler) Coburfi wili bei Postlude-AlIegro........ _..... Harris Abracadabra - the home of Mr The Wornen's guild will mieet on Mon- 1010 Linden av, day. February 8, at '10 o'clock. The 5. Mrs. Howarý work of the guild is for the benefit of lice Chief Mc'il good causes in which wornen of the of -the evenlng. church and the comnmunlty are inter- ested. All womien flot otherwise en- Col. and Mns gaged on Mondays are invited. hosts to the mer - . February 8, at -Clure and. Mrs. A.J. sisting hostesses. will be entertained at and Mrs. W. T. Fifer. nue, Friday, February Miller will assist. Po- ire will be the speaker poiritment for wnîch hnetgi. UU.anly and emnnently fitted and expeet to se hfim crown hlsio creer >as Christian edu- cator. statesman 'and gentleman. O'Qur warmnest good wlshes a.nd prayers1 at- tend hM. Our Church school mieets depart- mentallyat 9:30 a. mi. There la a clas for every age. Beginners meet during the church .service. World FPriendship gýroup :meets at 'the same -timeith Bertha Wbeeloçk hall. THEPRE.EASTEB PREACHIIXO The general theme of the annual course in Christian fundamùentals Wa uO1ur E9veriing Faith," Yebruary .14-*'Discoveriflg His W1.11 and Way."e _February .21-'ýGetting is HeIp and Trusting -Ris Care." February 28, - "*Understandinýg- and TakIng Hia Guidance."~ March 7-*'Mafinaglng Our- Overtense Mardi 14-"Overconhlng Falth's Heavy Obstacles." (Palm Sunday>. March 28-"Uiving Eternally" (Easter Suflday). These sermons will get to the core of the "Christian Quest for God." They wlll bring us courage and spiritual aid. They will cover ln a practical and up1- to-date way what Christianity really tg and does. They wIll proclalm the abld- ing goals of life and the power to reaeh and realize theni. Boy Scout Troop No. 1 meets Tuesday at 7:30 p. mi. 1Boy Scout Troop No. 2 meets Wed- senir coirrehearsal at 7 :15 p. ru. iursday. Cubs nicet ln dons weekly. Methodist Church Wilmette avenue at Lake avenue 11ev.' Amios Thornburg. iister KAY'f qiiniln,' .-rnine- rnhru..rv 7. m.. . kae1. . aymen A - Ikinds, Dr. In -commemoration of National Boy mente, in Scout Week.. St. Augustine's Troop No. cial co deslgnated ie. toae The, High Sehool Epworth league wll fe the meet Sunday evening pat 6 o'clock. Assess- ils spe- The Married Couples' group will not at the (Continued on'Page 54) i ~ i i