Present as guest s of honor, will bc G. E. Cbronic, head of Scout camp activities in the United States, and Dwight Ramnsay, an- other ,,eading Scout executive. Both'are résidents of.Wilmette. The session will begin at 7:-45ý, o'clock., ANNUAL MEETING The tenth meeting of the ýNorth' Shore Area council was hield last Tuesday evening at the Ravinia school ývit about 350 persons attenit .ding. The dinner was, followed by a pro-, gram which included a Sea Scout iii-- vestiture ceremony put. on by S.-S. 'S. Great Lakes and tableaux, "Scouts of Maàny Trails" which *as a life repro- duction of the Boy' Scout calendar picture painted by Norman Rockwell. 1This~ tbeax ws yrettted by memr-' bers of S. S. Ouimette. The annual report of the councils' * actîvities and development was pre- sented by President Henry Fowler. A. P. -Snite. chairman of the noînin- ,During the past months,,instruc- tions and reviews have been given byr the older scouts on various sub- jects. As the resuIt of their continued effort, the following Scouts have added another rung to their ladders of advancement: Scout Bien Richards, Sea History for Ordinary; Ed Cole- grove, School of the Crew for.Able; Bob Whitbold, Beils and Watches for Orcdinary; Bill Estabrook, Belis and Watches; Dick Wilson, Laitude and Longitude for Ordinary; Art Grecti, Belis and Watches. Several Scoutsare preparing them- selves for the next Court of Honor where they wlll be awarded th eir respective ranks. of senior Scouting and hig subject was '*The Crusade for Youth." Four Silver Beavers were presented Gnam âv men xufl., .iL 0k.. eo. :.... terniy scruage against iorces tend- ing to disrupt North American- 1deals of democracy ýand commanders and crusaders have been 'selected to di-ý rect colincil members in* their efforts to combat this, threat to our country and urge them to bring in more mem- bers, in order to help with this work. On February 16, Arthur J, Hughes,: nationally known spealcer,will be pres- ent at the auditorium at 1010 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette, and speak on Cornmunisrn and its dangerous threats to the country. Ail persons are wel- corne and -are urged to bring friends. There will be no chargeý for this, and other points on the program .will of :înterest to ail who attend. Invita- tions wvill be sent to ail civic bodies and chUrches. nd the were served Contact Owper Direct L. RACLIN, is awarcled to but very few year and it is considered a si or to lw awarded this distin n avenue. Loy C Marèh' 9. ueu for RELIABLE TENANTS Location: LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS: next t. PackarJduilding a