Vagi Ar Eutftaaont Foraimbed at Tot P=n=Da4utCurch ort Lodge, @OTOMEII" *OTTLED or CANNED BEER Yu favdte brand promptly dliIvered t. your home. ph-, auaIMMer Wihmette 4092 Help MI undertakiflg so prodigious that ia. coutd onty be brought to the screen after the art of motion pictures had reached its présent higb state of devetopnient, will be presented this Friclay anid Satturday 'evenings at tbe iCommunity theater.' The efforts niecessary to translate this great story into a talkingpicture, required not oilty the geinius of Max, Reinhardt but the utnost resources of the greatest techincal, sta ff ever: organîized. In keeping with the limittess facili- tiswhich the. W arner studios' dedi- ctdto tbis .effort, the crowning achievement was to assembeacs of overwheiniing importance. Fantattic B.atity Thus, 'Shakespeare's i.m m o r t a 1 comedy 15 bro'tght to the 'screen ili al tis fanaùTýtilc hea1ty, itsglcî'out*% spirit, and its classie gradeur. Rotlicking and raucous conicdy ,mingles with stirring romance lthat wilt touch the dowu-to-eartbhutmai [-- --l, -n di t. nd was a of the iinctideJ oe James Cag- 'Theodora Goes Wild- wil e M feature attraction .at the Varsitv the- ater ini Evanston this Friday. Satur-s dà-v. Sundav.: and'M.onda'ý. Mfodeled rnucb after the pp-ý lar filmn of recent xnonths. "Mr.Deed,; G'oes- To Town." the entire. picture tells the storv of a youne and beau-, tiftl ivoman Nvho goes to town.ý freie plays the part of a voung and inexperienced author, writingy 1111(er ail assumed name. who bas penned aw little romance c a Il ed "Siîined -Agaiiist." \Vhew jt'q pub- 1lisbed in serial form l.ui the town oaper. tbere's sûch a howl by the inious folk tbat she goes to the city. 1There shle faits in - love. witb M1elvyn. Doulas .Tops is Dunne 'Mi-s Dunine is the tops ini ber iiev kind of charactjcr.. . 1rDqpglas, is hi,ý usual excellent self, and the storv is a wow. \Vitb, restraint. wvith a coniplete al)sence of sentinientalitv. with al the pompv and g-lorv. and pageantrv of the b)uilding of an empire, witb aIl "tlic berolceyglamnour of uiform"s and marcbiimg troops. and witb al the vivid. realismn of wvar, "The ICharge of the Ligbt B r i g a d e," A thoroughly enjoyable StorY Oý sinati towfl folks furnishes. an. appro- priate vehicle, for the actinig of Wal- lacie- Beery and for the talents of Elizabeth Patterson, as bis patient.. hard-workiflg wife, in "0k! HutcbI which is, to be seen, at the Wîlmette theater this Friday andi Saturday. Directed by. Watter Ruben, sup- portinig rotes.,are. taken by Eric Lin- den and Cecelia- Parker. Wally, is thc town's lazy man who stumbles ton. ta a great fortune and thus sets in mno- tion a seriesý of fast-moviflg and be- .wilderin.g events., YOne of thé 'great pictures of the year wil1 be, shown at the Wilmette ffieater on Sunday, Monday, and Tuiesday, when "Corne and Get. [t," starring Edward Arnold is to he the eature att~raction. Arnhitious Lumberinan It tells the story of ail alitiolis unihermali who 9givcs tup bis truc .ove. a cabaret girl. ini rder .to ad- vance bimiself in the business worid ; 1'\- marryïn'g the boss' daughiter. H-e 1wihieves success, and theii. years ater, finds the child of bis old sweet- hecart, the image of ber mother, on wvhom lie lavishes ail the tenideriies' on ricture i-L/ULIUII mainy costume pictures and romant'u. c a-'st iil - the dual. oeo h aae \\,inter spor ts-wear .shops (if Hol- rotes, and Patrie Knowles, whose lvwood and Los Anigeles, arc due for- handling of adfiutrt uo singer and lier ambitions datiglter ailni upin business followilig ail- maticalty gives bim tbe rating of a s uelwîeWle reaJc nounernet toay tat roduer-d 'str NcCrea, and' Andrea Leedîs turuii i rector WVesley Ruggles %vill Ileadl a The story of a ivronged man 'whoeclenprfracs troupe. of sorne 75 players and tech- Ibecomes a hunter in Africa is told Beaiity; artistry, atgainst a. bac k- nicialis on a. snow-safari hi. Sini i "White Uuniter, t which will .be -round of horror and iimpelidiig dis- Valley. winter playgrouind Mear seen at the Varsity theater onThurs-' aster are contrasted in "\Nitterset.* - A...of,-d tyweek. Warner Baxter, Maxwell 'Anderson's, grcat play Ini Travis B a n t oni, nernatiu"nyiy er , wsgvnoeo known stytist, under contract to rotes: in "Waikiki 'Wed Paramount since April, 1925, recentiy has just started with1 signed a new four-year agreement. Martha Raye and Bob with 'the company. teading rôles,