iu 1111., 3W. . -l - 2-c.. . 10 rms., 3% bs., »... r- lake, 2-e, ...................... 140 8 rmse., à .,H.W.O.; private, beach 185 7 rmie., 3 b. ... xe.lc 1-C, ............... ......125 7ms,3 b., H.W.O., eaut, -. ..M2 8 ns.3 bs., lp. pch., .W. 1-c, g ... .. 110 8rrni..2 b. ... pdb 2-c, g. ............... ........ 100 7 rms., 1 b., H.W.O., Éd. I 1e, - .1g.100 6 rms, 1% ba., slp. pcb., H.W.H. east. 2-cý. g............... 85 a ring. 1 b., H.W.O., 1-c. g ...... .80 9 rnis., 1 b., H.A.O., 2-c. g. nr. trans. .75 6rms.. ib, l.pcb', I... 1-c. g.....................>76 6rn.., 1 b.. 2 slp. pcb., remod., H.W.O ......................70 6 rMs.' 1 b., H.W.H., ýeast. 1-C. g. 70 7 rtis, 2 bi., H.W.Hà., 2-c, ., nr. trans. .... ..............5 ris., 2 bu., 2c.. H.A.G., 1-cg.6 5 rnisk.. 1 b, pch., H.W.O., nr. trans. 65 6 rms.. 1 b, H.W.H., lg. lot, 2-c g. 50 6 rms, 1 b.. H.W.O., nr. trans. 1-c, g. 65 1 m~. b., srp. pclh., f;... no gal'., 55 6 rnis., 1 b., pcb., H.W.O., lg lot, 1-C. g .................. ....... 50 Other good values, furn., unfurn., all aimes B. H. BARNETT 5i6 conter . LWinnetka 965 97LTN39-lte GRAND LIVABILITY. (Cool sbaded screened north porch, big. trees, hpated south sunporch, living room tire- place, windows spaoed for cross, ventila- tionlig ih.t'and furniture spacing-place ln basemnent for rec. room.) UNDISTURBED ,POS0SESSION. (No sale lause-for rent ,only.) NORTUý SHORE REALTY 623 Wlnnetka Ave. _Winn. 81 97LT1439-ltc For Rent lu Highland Park CHARMING ENGLISH TYPE BRICK & stone bouse with 6 bedrms.ï 4 baths, buti. ptry. with.sink. 2 se. porches, pli heat, 2 car garage, East, Ravinia. $200 Mo. ATTRACTIVE 5 BEDRM., 3% BATH bouse. 2 -sc. porches, 1 car garage. eX cellent East aide location, Elm Place Schooi district, 4, blocks to main High- land Park station, rent $125 mo. 5 BËDRÔOM, 3% BAT!I{I ItiIT0FIÉ G porches, 011 heat, 2 car garage, beauti- fiI ravine lot, $150 zno. 5 ROOm BUNGALOW. SUNROOM, OIL heat. completely redecorated, $70 mo. Ail of these houses are in excellent who bave, ae nunber of clients 1desiring furnised or unfurnished homies* on the NorthShore. Visit or phone ose of these 3 ôonvenlent local iomtces. EVANSTOI-5",22 Davis St.- Greenleaf 1 855 Holycourt 1856 WINNETK-A-790 191m St.. Winnetka 2700 ',., riargate 1855 HIGHLAND PARK-5 S. St. Jrohns.. Highlanid Park 186 99LTN39-lt WANTED:- FOR. MAY 1ST WVE-HAVE SEVJERAL& CLI- ents Whio will sign lease now for May lut occupancy. Call us If your house will be available for rent at that tume. 'W. G. 1RUGtWES & CO., 517 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886 Hol. 6886 Wil. 1660 99LTN39-ltc 4 BEDROOMS, 3 BATES IN WIN- netka within 3 or 4 blocks of transp. Mayr 1. Private party. Winnetka 1730 99ITN3M9-2tin PICTURESQUE 15 TRIS RAMBLfIUG home on large wooded lot,.in cholée Lincolnwood location.. 7' paclous, roomei 2 large, siufny bedroôo on, lut, flôoor .and tile bath;ý 2 bedrooms, 2 .bath. on 2nd; KEIW cohbeat; 2-car garage-siede drive. Cal Mrs. Didrik- sen. Greenleaf 185".. Hollycourt 1856. * WILMETTE- CHIAjMIMG SHINGLE COL ONIA L 0F 6 roonis, 1% bath. wit&i glazed sun porcb. Can securo FHA loan, Onily $1000. -000 Beechwood ,Ave., ln, Kenfilworth Gardens. By appt. only. Mfr. Ford. Winnetka 2700 BrIargato 186 VIEW, 0F'LAKE--CHESTNU T AVE., 8 room Colonial: tule bath; sleeping and sun porch; broad. staircase ; beau- ,tifully landscaped yard. Only $22.500. Offor. R. Johnson, Gre. 1855, Hol. KENI LWTORTH CALIF. RED WOE>, COLONIAL,. 7 rooms, 3 bats-on beautiful 100 f t. lot ln E. Kenilworth. Offered till Feb. 28 at substantial reduct ion. Mr. Cun- ninghami, Gre. 1855, Hol. 1855. RED a h WINNETKA. ZICK COLONIAL-9 s: nornhac .fine la *McGUIRE & ORR, lue. Phone youi 328 Park Ave., . Glencoe, Ph. Glencoe 13 NOI ,07ITN39-ltc R ILET OUR "Buildt RENTAL SERVICE 51Dai Help you find an attractive, , sultable -home to lease. 5 bdir., 2 b 97LTN3 rTE 9500 FOR itENT-SOtgM SA14D OFFICC FOR RENT Store and Apartinent 1150 CENTRAL AVE., WILM1ÈTTE. pposite Village Hall in the very heart of business center. Old establishied eaning and dyelng location. Former ýnant just vacated. Also fine for ladies' iparel, chair store, etc. McGUIRE & ORR. Inc. On 1/ acre grounds. Qi. waxited. Mr. Hart, Gre. 1855. GLENCOE MILE VIEW FROM THIS VERY well buiît 9 room brick with 5 bed- roonis and 4 baths; extra lav. Fine condition; oil heat; 2-car garage. Price reduced to oeIl at once. Mr. Newhall, Winn. 2700, Br!. 1855. RIeL IESTATE É d e»ilWo#rth 659.8 I 97LTN39-tci ,Y DECORAT-E»7 RM~. BOUSE, eat. Van 1* usedr-as 2 separate ents. Nice yard, quiet street. re 219 l4th St. evenings. IMrs. iYiilei 1746 Blin St., ient. A. bargain and MAIN OFFICF-134 S. LA SALLE ST. & Wm.. Pickard & Wre inetka Winn. 360.3 111LTN3-lte 111LTN39-lt6 - J ý ý 1 ý ý