FOR SAL--OUBEHOD 00D ANTIQUTE CHInjRY D R 0Pki7EÂiF table; fld cherry gchooImaster'ai desk; old pine. secretary; eiec. freighit train: bridge,à2 switehes3, ex. track; Pr. hocky * racer skates, aise- 6. Winn."2428. 129L39-ltp MOVING BARGAINS: -LIV. BOOM ,chairs, tables, lamùps,* drapes rugs, gr. piano, compi. bedroom,,*kit. uténsils, garden Impi., antique dlock and. tapes- try,fIlre screen- bric-a.-brac. Whxn 2413. Ï29LTN4o-1ti» HORTON MANGLE ICE -BOX BABY BED GLENCOE1171 129LTN39-14) MAHýOGANY DININO R OOM TýABLE and 6 chairs; couch; Chlppendaie chair; oriental rugs; Martha Waâilngton sewing cab. Ph. Wi. 1097. 129LTN39-Itp opene~ LAVu tnerloui for the ocasion, it would not have been sucli a succes as te raise $1 10. We are glad to report that, a check for this amount was for- Red'Cross beadqùarters. Thank you ailagain! . Next Monday evening, February 8, brings our Americanism program with Ivy Stone, in charge. Mrs. Ida Cas- sidy, state Americanism chairman, is. our speaker, followed by music by the New Tr ier octet. We wish to extend a special invitation te attend this meeting te Peter Huerter post, Amer- ican, Legion, auxiliary, and tei-al the heaê'ds of our W inmette 7'women's organizations. We hope tosee a large, number of tbemn in our audience. Wihnette Debater Heard mette harbor reguiarly or in. emerg- encies, if it were improved.. "And this investment is jeopàrdized foi, want of an expenditure - of somfething like $20,00," he adds. Hàis letter tc the, department concludes: "«WiII you give consideratîon te this proposai for a suin of approximately $20,000 subject te recciving bide, te be aiiotted from the Partial unexpend-, ed appropriation of $500,000 'fr flood relief and rivers and lakes con- trol, te be exýpen.ded either in cooper-, ation with the United States govern- ment or agencies thereof, or wit h *o- liticai subdivisions of the 'state, or otherwise?' In th entma important hear- The Woman's society of the Pres- byterian. church wilI hold a praise service at thé church on Tuesday of, nextweekat 2 o'clock În 'the after-, noon. The program wil inâclude a play, "tlnder the Skid,» given by,.a number of the church women. 'ea will be served by Spoke Pour. PLEDGED John Whiddeii of 1009 Elmwood avenue, who is attending the Uni- versity of Chicago, bas been pledged te Phi Delta Thêta fratermity, and is aise :a memùber -of the university A Cappella choir. Mr. and Mns. W. J. King of 611 Forest avenue and Mr. and Mns. John W.- Cullen of 1236 Ashland ave- e, a st of La NET, 6 OCTAVE- TYPE flext Sunday nlie CASH. NO DEALERS. 48. 1 13OLTN38-ltp- ýUR USED F'URNITURE TRIP TO itique, and other house- Mr. and Mrs. t your furnîture on con- of 2403 Iroquois vin Harms of 1 Mr. and Mrs, ja of 1100 Michigan avt te the members of -for lunçheon andhi ilu her home. lI Mr. anid Mrs. Van !Beci a7nd Mrs. Marvin .Cruzen. 140So i>ng- i nurgday trom mi i relatives, -were gone three ,ý and Mr. by way of New spent a few days.. omiizback where ,they Wilutts32 Umiv.u~#ty 7317 ewart Ma r-j id re-l1 7317