The. Chicago Methodiat Social Union banquet la being held thins vening, ?rhursday, at 6:30. o'clock, at the':Hotel Sherman. Dr. Wildma nt new president of DePauw univesit ilbteaea- er.' The Notthwestern lUniversity A Capella choir will sing. Thre<Oôodwill Truck cornes to Wil- mette ont Fridayrs. . If you have articles of a.ny kind to s9end, -please cail the church office, Wilmfette 2348, before FYiday., A ]Bake sale will be apouéored by the Third division on Saturday, February 6. and on the remainlngSaturdays of the: mentir, of- February. These salesj Wil be reldaet tue National'Tea Store, 1 105 Central avenue from 10 to a o'clock. *Mrs. .C. RollIn Smiith la the chairman. Thre Wornan's .Missionary society will ineet Twiurdew,,, Ferary 11,, o4 10 o'clock to do hospitai aewin1g. Thoâe who attend are asked to bring a bas- ket lunch. Thre regular meeting wiiI ire held at 1:30 o'clock., Mrs. M. H1 Blckham willi lead thre devotions. Mra. Stetaon wlll apisak on '?Peace." Please bring articles for a Hlospital shower (soap, safety pins, etc.), also scra.p book pictures. Eplst1e Lesson for the day, 1 Corinti- J12. with a unioI n srvic t u "pe lans 13.1-13. We Invité you to wors.hlp church. with uis. Trhe Church s chool1 con venes' at 9:45 o'cock.. There are 'classes for ail ages.. AV A I N . Thle Confrmattincisawil l meet oni ýo.11tnedIo ag 6 Tueaday atternoon at.4 ôo'clock. I (otne rmPg 6 level attitude'at- the, point of intersec- The Church councîl wl meet Onl tion. Again we should1 watch so as Tuedayevnin a 8 'cock fot to lose, altitude due to stalling, the On Ash Wednesday evening at 8'plane by use of too muceh high elevator. o'elock we will* bold our first Mid-Week Lenten service. Services will be held Dc rreewie oSyHro each, Wednesday* evening, during Lent. The pastor will preach a series of aitrport to tell about bis. flying. circus, sermons on "Our Great Salvatiôon.", Plan wh icb took place in Havana, Cuba, last to. attend every service. I Sunday. To 'use Dick's. own wvords Te World Day of Prayer meet ing for I "he wveather' was ideal, clear, sunny,: the women of Wilmette and neIghbor- warm, with littie wind; and did we ing, villages will be held at the Wii-I give the Senors and Senoritas a lot mette Baptiat church on Frlday, Feb- I~ h,4~d~trie51 rf* 1mv* 19- at 4.0, nflc. r i' tllimlo pie4iin hrler D. Scherinerhorn will be thé speak er, iris subject being "Compelling Motives, ln. thre World's M(ission." It la hoped that al the women of our church irwll attend this fine meeting. First Presb yteri*an Nintir street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, minister Question Box N. R. How mucb instruction is re- quired before a person can fly alone and how long does it take to get a private pilot license after tbat time? Depending upon thre attitude of the stuident and nrevious experience such in their system. Called a we4k, teamn at the begin- ning of the season, the Treverians have displayed. -unexpected s.coring punch of lIate. 'Inspiredby the unusu- ally fiery defensive play of -Dave Skil- lin and :Chuck Soule, the squad bas definitely developed signs of resent- ing, the superior attitude of. its league opponenits. Skillin was a. spark-plug of the Green and Grey attack, too, netting four field goals and a gift toss for nine- points, wbicb put bim second only toý Harold Fincb as, far as, New Trier was concerned.. Finch had il points, garnered on fourbakt and tbree free throws. Getting away"to a slowi start, the bo- cals trailed 8 to 6 at the first quarter mark. Tbey soon shifted into high gear,ii3wever, and ft31edab~ead, 20 tù 13, at hall tiffe. Continuing its fast pace througb the third frame, but casing Up in the final, wben Crane bettered it 9 to 1, New Trier breezed in easily. Coniing in as substitute center, John Deacon sbowed up well, particu- larly under the basket on defense, where bis 'height permitted him to capture b ail readily. Il.3 I~UI Thre World Day of Prayer ia Friday, February 12. Thre Wilmette service will bo held ln the Baptiat church at 2:-30 New1 the C ,r the as f 7), Be( n and 51018 WLI c)Iisien lylu8I i3 i c Ili at 10:30 A.- R. McD. What book would be wbicir, in baskets Made, outdo any re- 'Mbrs. suggested for. navigation purposes ? cent predecessors. worship By writing the Director, Coast and As against other schools, Rigo Mar- Prelude, Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., chini found point-making a niatter of Anthem, requesting Special Publication No. 197 routine. This time Ire had 18. Dick EartlV' 'ard Q)tIs which is very complete. A smali fee Reynolds paralleled his last perform- lin solo, of 30 cents is required for ihis book ance witb 10 markers. es Miss and, it is well worth tIre price for the Although Reynolds was forced to mth WiI- "Dona conlcise data furnished without thre retire because of four personal fouIs,. necessity of' wading through tecbnical New Trier made tIr1e sural total of TIre Senior choir will Thurmdà.y evening at 7:30 6EXCSE .l - My >UST", comredy by lovard Reod 'an nyo ,The Boy Scouts wili meet Monday. 4-vice developt m Oiik8taedt. evening at the church. thre "overshoes >0.hotesem IAt the annual Praise Service of theo The "singer' rohoareo on Womnars scloty Tuesday afternoon at Unit is eMPle Q'cloek. 12 O'Clock, tih. featureofo the program hubs to distril a..ireatwil be a. two-act play entitled. - "Unde over the prope WUIl lie pro. thi.e hurch. AUl the worneofe! 1icte-f ormetion. ed on the prope ite ice-repellent f er blades andprei% *New Trier won tIre freshuran- sophoniore game 33 to 30. The locals 1overcame a Proviso lead at thre end of the first quarter to forge ahead atthe haif, 16 to 13..