Thte of the entir.e corps, only one new naine. being added, that o'f August'C. Pearson Sr., as The roster is now asý follows:: President-Harry B. Johnston. Vice-presid:nts-ohn F. H-offmian Jr. and August C Pearson Sr. Treasurer-Harry W. Miller. Secretary-C.,,E. Clif ton Jrè. Coupnsel-Charles H. Jackson. Te Re-éemtt S Directors Tefive directorsewhose ternis exc- pired this year were, reelected for a period of -three years. They are -as, follows: D. E. Allen jr., A..W., Jensen, Wil'- liam E. Hughes, Aider R. Tighe, andl John P. Baliman., D. E. Allen Jr., reporting on loan activities, stated that the total of loan- coempleted *ktvitg, 1936 was more than for 1934 and 1935 coin- bined. AUIl ans, he added, are in excellent condition, the average mar- gin of safety being above 50 per cent. In other words, he said, the loans are bess than 50 per cent of the appraised value of the properties concerned. The total loans now in effect aniount to $276,219.05, the average being ,3,732. 41-ry RB* Johàston> 1320 Green- zoood' avenlue, was re-elected p res- ident of the First-Pederal Saivisngs aüd .Loan associatiote of Wilmettle at the asinual mueetintg held last: week.. Mr. John stont haw headed the~ association since its inception mnore haJthre$we yeurs -ag#e Hie reported that the associati on is Arogresig steadily on the sound foundation of coniservative business operation. Relief Load of Township Rises;- Winfletka Woman's club, the North Shore Art league will have an evening of dancing and cards, and, gayety. Shrove Tuesday night, February, 9. The revellers willend the,,evening by hanging anïd bur-ying an effigy of King Carnival, an effigy patterned after those burned abroad by dancing throngs, to mark the end of a fort- night's. rule. Members of the league and others planning to attend this bail, which- is open to the public, are finding amuse- ment before the hall in contriving their costumes, many of them, based on those of carnivals abr.oad, where paraders and -onlookers alike deck thernselves out as fantastic animais or birds, or in babies' clothes or other costumes. Masks will be on sale at. ments foi Hahn of ÇrowF.Ew ailu is ,assiint, contIiuswitfl urdiMinished interest. While the ma- jor portion of the collection of money, clothing and o0ther supplies bas been' accomplished, they are stili1 being re- ceived, in considerable quanitities. Cloéthing Not N..d.d Mr. Becker states that açlviées f romn the office of the Chicago chapter of the American Red Cross are that pres- ent needs for clothing have been sup- plied and no more is required, at this time. Tremendous quantities have been received froni ail sections1 of the coun-try, and that further contributions will onWi' add to the, transportation blockade which has developed in the flood are-asl. Because of the labor and expense. of putting the écllections into' warehouses, citizens are requested to withhold such donations until further arrai w înnet ,elI of E aiidC. ias &cia...iio.uU e soneiA I contributions, amnong and parochial schôols, Are Generoup 001, $191-81; Laurel agencýy for home. attention to the netka .Buildinga has but recentl: year of success businesses, he ad long .a period,i lisJUUIvillage hall, Winnetka, n. Few ning. e for s0 Mr. Olmsted explai< solidity, the past 'month a nun e finan- had zo-ne off relie~f and toBeSolosi: i: C urchTeatro del Lago and Wilmette thea- of the ters, upotoeSuoid-y ntght, $44ù.94. lvisory cOm- -Miss Gladys Welge, violinist, as- trsBu oSunday nigh, 4.94. )fi es n h sistant conductor of- the Woman's Red Cross banks placed in the lobby 4on 1ay veSymphony Orchestra of Chicago, will o Wilmette State bank yielded $105.67 tht urngbe guest soloist at the First Presby- in cash. This sum is exclusive of tha duingterian church of Wilmette next Sun- checks. Sr of cases day anorning foth onn osi imteUtN.46A rca e nsadi- service. MssWlg il thom egmoringworsxp imette ntr o -. ricn Wegewil e ccrn ofennAn20.,, at ,home upon in th weeks ago.