the past xnonth a number of cases had gone, off relief and-new ones ad-, mitted, mnaking anet, increase of 20; whche said, is onl1y:seasonal, and may be expectied, up to Mardi 1.< This is the time of the year, he said When there are more employables 'on the list than there were ear!ier in the season. During. Ja;uary, ten of the emplyabesbwho had been on relief were given work on WPA,% prolccts. Stili Enrolled There are stili a .number _of such men enrolled on relief. Generally speaking, they, are seasonal workers who,,duri 1ng the Surnmer, do flot. earn s*ufficient mno ne y t o caàr ry themf through the. winter months. Anyone needin.g help at this time, particularly gardeners. are requested to apply to Townsip relief hcadqu.1arers.. On recommendation of the advisory committee, the relief food budget was established on a parity with that of Chicago, which, heretofore, has been about 9 percent 1ess. The session was- also devoted to hearing reports and developingz vani- ous activities. Publie Schools to Close Northwestern. this sunimer to give coûrses in the teaching of their par- ticular subjects. Etach of thiese in- s tructors *will also 'tèach one class of high school people at New Trier to demýontrate the ideas discussed in the class hodur. The plan. Mr. Gaf fney added, wilî be worked out ini a maniner that will flot'reduce the number of New Trier teache.rS Who vvilI teach. in summer school.' For some years the sunimer se ssion at the school has, been oper- ated ýon a tuition basis. Mar-i-ras-Will Be Ainnua1 Ice Feature At its monthly meeting last Tues- day, the Glencoe Playground com- celebration should be made a feature of the annual ice carnival, which will this year be held on the afternoon and evenîngil of Saturday, February 20, at the north rink. Events Previ- ously scheduled prevented an .earlier date. While the program is not yet coni- clete.- it was announced that the "Suy" COVERD SAUCI POT. 3 Quert SIZO. Loop. long or bail hondies. Easy.dleen, round corners. Regv- lev $1.40, $1 loch. Dollar Day Wednesdoy February 1 h KITCHÉN. Regular 2for 25c TOWELS. IL2 rolls $ STRAWBMOUS Regular89C. Zbrooms Iý 50 Ff. CLOTHES UINE 5 D. LO!THESPINS Extv'a *Vg. 1 CLOTHIS PIN CARRIER- Regular $1.50 I1 ENAMELWARE Ivory, green trim. SoId for $1 .75. Each .....$ I schools will remaini open, it was an- nounced on Washington's birthday, February 22. costumes initil Articles loir $1 set. With bac k rest. $ Ivory anid-green.... 5 Pt. STEP LADOER Support under every ste.A good special for spring L housecleaniflng.. ýY $$ 3706. CENTER ST. of SPRUC! $$ $1