Rimueberries S. gooi they ,faste l1k. frehbrdes_Serve fo)r dessrt with Ginfger Snaps,- No. 2 tins - 3 fori89c Mairshmallows For 'a roat f fter skat*ing or fMr a variety .of dée- serts-Ib. cello- I1 WCI Uneeda Bàkers Old' Fashioned Ginger Snaps. Modeo wth ti. kighestf grade. molasissac fine imnported'spices -Not a bitey cooky but'smnooth and -delitous. Recipes on c carton for ail inds of temptinq desserts- lb. box__- 2 0 Suggjtestions for Lenten Dishes Jumbo Shrimp Use for seafood cock- folks, salads, appetiiers, ; sandwiches end hot en. fres-25 Marshall Fine for ight luncheon or Clovernook Casup- Chateau Cheese A rl. iwU4, l.eemy 1enly cIreti -Meit, quick- ly and is per- fect for souf1f AY fles- 2 o 9 Kippered Herring after-theater snack-Serve with I4-oz. ovals- 23C Chbice Pot Récist Tender, juicy cul.. Brown lài butter, add seasonng and water and roast in Dutcb oven. Serve with but- tfèred tcÎi'ofs and mesbéd potatoes. lb . 21C Native Round Steak For fryig, beef roulades, f Swiss steakc or beef loaf, lb. ic Wilson CertfIfed Homs Joues Pork Sousoge So-good for breakfast these crisp., wenter mornings.3 Links, lb.. 35c-, MeaI, lb.32 C Hoibut Steak A perfect lenten entree, ite when fried in butter or balced in~ mlk. or L 6c Old-Fashloned Finuman Hoddie in a supply at this Iôw price. ~ 5 - 14-or. bot- 2 oL5 2.6 1/4 tins 29c icke i as the "+art" note in nu-Also à welcome ad- te toasted cheese sand- or thec eppetizer tray- Fresh Fruits- and Vegetabýles$'- Welch Grape Juice the Pure juice-Dni f mornig, and nlght for heoIth's sake- FEýBRUARY Il, 193ý7 15 Ifer