led by the pastor. >The Sunday s,1chool WillI meet at 9:30 oPclock ln al departments. Some are under inconvenience because of building opeérations, but théey wll be provided for.' The Aduit Bible class will study "'The Portrait of Jesus-the Teacher-Preach- er,"II n Its session at 10 o'clock in the chapel. We Invite you to study with US., Junior churchb wiii care for the chil- dren during the morniiig worship service. The Tuxis club which mneets at 5 :30j o'clock . in the chapel will discusa the question,. "What, if We- Are Second Raters?" -under the leadership of Mary Alice Minear. Ail the young.bpeople .arè* invited to corne. Refreshments are served The Ne* Tri er Sunday Evening club wil1 prelient Dr. Arthur Bestor, presi- dent of Town Hail, New York, in an address on "The Next Step ln Educa- t1o,"~ The Boy Scouts wili meet Monday eve- ning at the chureh., The Girl Scouts' will evening at the church. On Wednesday evenir the chapel we will bE Pkýin Lonst No longer need a doctor hesitate to sU:9ggest to. a p1aient. at Evanston hospital, the use of some special teclinical- facility. that will, aSsist in his diagnosis, such as X-ray, labora- tory, and other. special tests. The "Inclu 'sive Rate Plan,>" in operation teesincée May l' 1932, brings every advanced facility of medicine within reachi'of both doctor and patiexnt.. Under the Inclusive Rate Payment Plan, when the patient, enters 4the hospital, -lie chooses the price, room he fe els he can afford, ranging from $8 to $20 a 'day, dependinz. on the kind of réoom available. This. day- rate inicludes everything except the services of a special nurse. No mat- ter wmhat the patient's requirements. meet We . cnesdai the hospital niultiplied- by the da raehe is paying. ig t 8o'cockh TisEàdorsed By Leadlers ýng t 8o'cockli hispaynient plan, in operation Bgin a series. vntoo'pta ic 13 a devotions on the vntnhsia ic192a r Fellowship of thc with the approval of the hosp'itale theme this week ecutives, the patients, and the d< ."We Invite you tor.I aeaypsil ge ur petiods duririg os ttksaypsil g dnesday evening out of diagnosis say menibers kof t wv ,.sittvana krst a~venuest Rev,.,,(eorge D. Allisoîn, pastor aToniorrow (Friday) will be observed athe Universal Day of Prayer for Missio ns. A special service will be held in this churcfl at 2 o'clock, ln which it is hoped alilof our Wilmette churches will be represented. On S unday mornina- at 10. o'clock. thé. test mnighit help verify my first diagnosI s and niake treatment more perfect, yet nearly alw.ays I have hesitated to recoin- niend the cost. Now, without anyt addi- tiona cost to the patient, I may utilize the entire resources of the hospital, the services of highly trained laboratory experts and very expensive equipment h ieh would forrnerly have increased the initial hospitai fee to my patient way be-yond the first cost estirnated be- tween Ils.', AGED AMER-ICAN.ýC.HEESE COLO STREAM4 P'9144* KSALMON- 3TAL.L 3CANS29c For Friday and S aturday ECOS Watch Our Windows Toniglht (7 has its regu one of their this tljne a.sj Carlson and ay) the chorus >hearsal followe tfuI social ocoa; of Mr. and Mrs. -111 î J.aaveavenue, have returned, t» their studies at the University of 11hî- nois after spending several days be- tween,semesteérs at home in Wilmette.