ways and means comimittee of the club, are headed by enthusi- astic, original and. energetic chairmen, unde'r the direction of Mrs'. Edward C. Lingel, 'who r "getting- things donc." Hosts fo Committe. Mrs. William K. Yates, chairmnan of Wvhite elephants and books; had a, meet- ing of her conittee yesterday. The names of, ber comimittee. were ln, Iast week's Wilmette Life. with th e excep- tion of the nanie of one, member, onitted by mistake, Mrs. George Lamb. On. Tuesday, Mr s. 'Yates wil be in chargé of the booth; on Wednesday, Mrs.. Lamb; and on Thursday, Mrs. W. A. Kendrick. Meqs. La.mb and Mrs. Yates are'deàigning and- cutting out huge white elephants to use as posters in decoratifng the byooth. Anyone in the village who has, an. ihteresting article to donate to the white eIephant booth. or a book that he haR- sîgners, MesdamTes Ernest H. Freernan, Leslie A. Fitz, Earl G. Low, Nathan P. Colwell. Rollo Gullickson, Mise Helen Beach and .Mis Frances Gôodhue. Autographèrts: Mesdames David J. Da- vis, Frank P. Adams, Maurice C. Boothe. Charles F. Krenier, W. W. Baer,, Stan- ley F., Johnson, F. L. MëGrath, Earl EB. Graham, .Raiph C. Jennings, Carl J.' Zipprich,.' John A. Donialdson, Glen S. Roberts, G. E. Walk, George B. Wil- liams, Edward L. Lange, H. C. Toeppen, Anker L. Christy, George D. Conlee. A. V. Gruhn, Folo Gullickson. Salespeople for Tuesday: Helen Beach, chairman; Mesdames Arthur H. How- ard, 0. W. Haas, E. D. Oberg, A. . B Klunder, O. J. Dreibus, A. E. I-utchins, rthur . Youngberg. Robert J, Las- celles, Louis J. Becker, Walter W. Steg- man, and Arthur Kirtley. Salespeople for Wednesday: Mrs. Perey Idler, chairman; Mesdames George L. Emlnrich, Frank C. Huffman, U1,.W Shanesg. Tnneth B. MAf- fDwL..d., PA TRONIZE O UR ADVER TISERS Bi uns-Evamlasto»mý 709 CI-URCH STREET "'-s artist, and chair bas a very larg( meiaking colorfu: one si :rcnèen-1 iud n and. tnt m. a a ÏLItnur ïou- are wel eB. Hutchins, W.: Dri H1lichair- tmette,ý ), r si l% >nhawi r(