Two menietin gs, one. Fridày% of this week. -the other F.rila-v. Februarv- 26,, are of interest to members ýof the Woroan's Cath- olic Club of Wilmeétte. 1This week the fine arts departmçunt is pre- senting a programn. of drama- tized book reviews, two M'eeks * later the club hol1ds it.s regular monthlv meeting. Under the direction anid.leadership of Mrs.,Frank X, Thale. -The Sound * of Running Feet," by J osephIlle 'Law - renc e, and ."Gone Xith the Wn. by Maârgare-t Mitchell, will be re- viewed, three youing -wom-en takiiîg parts of the book characters, Mfrs. Fredeic ressel, Mirs. ý John i.Den- hart, and Miss janette Brennan. The * program wiil be conciuded. .with sev- eral piano numbers by Mfiss Char- lotte Langi. The regular meeting of the club on February 26, is at 2 o'clock, ini the lounge of the Woman's club, where ail meetings are -beinz held. A very interesting spring program bas been arranged for this meeting --A f e l .I.. rtnt , vervvfor- In Canada, and fro ni tlhe castèr), to the îwesternii sta tes, bcforc or- gani.ations of main kinds; Mrs. Jamens S. Harvey lias given lier re- 7,iezLs of curreni books. Site zwill ap- pear before thc Ncighibors club Tut'sday ,norningi, 'bnr 16, at, 10:30, at the Robert harnlomew, 240 Ken ilzLor-tl aven ue, Kcn ilworth. The Womari's Club of \Vlmette has its niext regular ail-day session Wed- nesday, Februarv 17. the home and education and the civics departmenits presentiigthq speakers, the depart- ments being unider the direction of Mrs. C. j. and 'Mrs. John A. Donaidson, respectively. The former is in c harge of th1e morining program,e the latter, the afternioon.: A,~ ,twp1x fine art pvljhit.wl h Mýonday. Februarv 5,i thé, date ,of .the next opel nimeeting.of the North Shore Sisterhood. At 2 o'cloc-k, after a short business meeting, Dr. Leo L. Honor ý'viI1 speak on"ewTndine- ish Educhcation." an added attîaction W\edneisday. Dr. Honor is now executive director .Owing to.the ice storm on Jan- of the Board of Jéwish EduIicationi in uaryý 20, Mrs._ Arthur, Jocelvnih Chicago and was formierlY head of'the ivsto have spokent. %*Vas unable to C)lleýge >f, Jewish Studies. The subject reach '\ilmiette fromi lier home i nii s, one which, Dr. Honor is ennnentl River, and h er prograni thus <ualiid to>(ic lJ iteof i.long: delaved. i s fto heé givén nexçt, Wedines- training and( experience in tlis field. day. Her topic for discussion. is the There will also be an, intercsting pr()- s aine,, What Is the Matter Ih grain of piano selectioins by Satil Do,-rf- M v Kitchen --" NMrs. George \N. mati. yolung Chicago pianist, w~ho hias .J'mk igiiillJy, siedld. to givt,,been ver'ghv praisedl by Ieading a reviev of current plays this next critics. _\ir. Dodmiian.'s j)rogramn wil tni- week, graciously became "pinch clude: hutter," for MNrs. jocelyn on January 20, on very short notice. Mirs. Joce- Gav,ýo te . B hopinaf lyti opens the meeting February 17. Rondo . Beethoven At, Il :45 .o'clock Prof. Harold A. <RÏtge *vr thelùstPen Swenson, clever psychologist wý\ho Imrmt Schu.bert coats hi ' talks with humor, WilI giVe The Ijttle White »onkey Ibert the second lecture in his series, Marc-he . . Proltofief choosing for next XXedîîesda., "Ho%\Shezoin MnofrJ .'shChen oiob We Perceive." .A dsla1fjqihceeota1 b iects has also heen nlanned for this searching for feathered models andi in the keeping of bis avian tr.easures he lias prepared a lectures that has wonl the praise of ail who have heard it. Each of the pictures shown dur- ing his talk lias a personal experi- ence connected with it of absorbîng interest. He also displays a collection of specimnens of exotic bird life many of which have color schemes of Mrs. James S. Harvey wvill review "Heads and Tales" by Malvina Hoff-t man at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morn- ing, February 16, at the home of Mrs. Robert Warren, .2-0 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, for members of the Neiglibors of Kenilworth. Ac graduate of the Northwester.n uni-,f versity school of speech, Nirs. Har-I vey lias' been giving_ book revîewvs 1118 atrorney anu > as GsOM~u *0 is ar ii ularly interested in the fields of domestic relations and., juvenile delin- quency. Her timé as attornev is de-, voted to the verv poor. .Tea will be served, at the con- clusion of the program Wýednesda% * four nmembers of the club having been asked to pour by the president, Mrs. David J. Davis. Thev are MIrs.. Frederick M. Bowes, M 1r s. Harrv otfice, thev wili e pliniy marked witU the owner's namie atnd carefully returned immediately lafter the meeting. 1Tea and a social hour will follow the program. and everyone is most cordialIy. Chicago Pianist Prayer which will be held at the É tist church at 2:30 o'clock Eti afternoon of this week. q ~ Y tained the members ai Thursday, February 4. 21 Elm street., t he J. M. J. club, enter- lier home ýon, has been changed to Saturday, at, 4, February 13,,February 27, Mardih 13, and Mardi 27. ing of the North Shore Con grega- tion Israel Sisterhood at 2 o'clock Monda'Fe'briuar15.