To this institute the W\ilmette Gar- ionof it den club, the -Evening Garden Club use in the garder of Wihnette, the Kenilworth Garden." Luincheon-12 :3 Afternoon "ss club,. the Kenilworth Horneand Gar- Pierce-Saving den cluùb, the Xinnetka Garden club, sion of tree Peste' the1 Winnetka Wcee.ders, the Ga rden Ibe,'t to c rnbat t departmpent of the Winnetka Wom- Invitations ha an's club, the Gl1encoe Garden club's 24Gre9lb two -chaptetrs, Founders. and Skokie; N'orth Shore GE the North Shore Garden club. and the Keinjlworth Junior Garden club their members.t' alll members of the North Shore Ga,- tendomeintpitu den. center, have been ifvited.,a o~a rc the entire cours 11r s. ýEdward L. Scheidenhelni' of pric e wîich mo Wilmette is. one of thé speakers. garden clubs, ai Professoérs joseph .G. Blair an(' their members t( Max G, Fuller of 'the department -of bers of the W'or horticulture,, University of Illinois', tonwill bceadmil have coopcrated with Roy L. Davis. showingclub tic! head of the Gardeni Associates and -Mrs. Kelsey w Mrs. Fenton Kesey, chairmniof-the fo11ôtirg eônin * institute, in arranging prograins for R. Uhlemann, M the three days as follows :, Percy W. Langý *, February 24 Gustavson and Morning session-b. :30 - MrsH. Ed- Paxscin. wvard L. Scheidenhèlin, "Evergreens for Thîis Cliiate and Their Care." Luncheon - 12 :30 - club-hojse - Mrs. William C. Evans, "Dish Gdardens." Mrs. joseph .Afternoon session-2 o'lock-MargerY Locust road wi Carlson, Northwestern universlty-"Wtîbc Flowers"-an .illustrated lecture cocn- t b sfldamren!tals, .and Its sion--2 b'elock.,:G- L. Our Trees." A discus- ,anid diseases.and how Lhem.. Useful hints on .ve been .sent to the s. whic.h.comprise the ,rden center offering the opportunity to at- te. Individual tickets e-admit th>e holder to ýe. Ticke.ts' at higher, ia :,)e purchased by dmit any number of to t he institute. Mem- man's Club of Evas- tted to ail sessions.byf kets. Mrs. Artl s. Mary S. Till Wilson of 1027 be hostess at a yen ini ber home v A L E N T I N E Tkree <Crns of ýPrince Matr/zabeli Per urne....$3-00 1 v À W s T O M. I t Lta ilW O 1 8 FEBRUARY F'U NITURE' e 20 CHURCH STREET EVAI