in China where he will serve as visit-' ing prof e sor in surzerv in the..Pein)- ing, Union medical, college. He will conduct a tuamor clinic in connectionj with the Rockefeller ýfoundat ion. Prof. Alpheuti Smith- of the Etwhlish départmnent will complete research in librariés. in England, Scotland an d Ireland, in, connection with a histori- cal and cuit-rat bib'ioerar>hv of prose fiction, in. Enailish f rom 1475 to 1740. .Prof., Paul Haensel of the depart- ment of- economics will lecture anid stuclv -public finance and economics in various countries of Europe. Prof. Ernest Lauer. of the history depart- ment will.Ëpend his leave in Gerrnany where he will study and write. WiII Write Books Writing a book on "Social Con- trn1'" will nrcuny Prof. T. D. ElFot of * rom ilne! Dean b wilI soeni n Green of the lawi a port-ion -of hi of Aihericaps ieaclitg d:ancçe grouuy i this series of three week-end dance. festivals1 beginning February 13. E.ach week-end will include an un- usual demhonstratiofllecture in Thorne hall', East Sup..erior ,street and Lake, Shore drive,-, on.' Saturday evening', iollowed by a reçital in thé Auditor- ium theatre on Sunday aiternoon,. Directors of the enterprise report a very widespread. interest and a large sale of season suibscrip Itiofls for, this, series with 'the great ma-ýjonty of sub- scribers. purchasing the tickets, so ,that they can also attend the Thorne hall prograflns. Hear Noted Crittic Opening with a preliminary lecture- by John Martin, noted dance*critic of the New York Times,' on February jn jThorne hall, the series will pre- sen I4anya lolin alech redemn- stration with her group on February 13, and in.popular recitalin the Audi- torium on February 14. Miss Holm' s group includes seven dancers, all trained in the style of the Mary Wig- matn dance as it originated in Ger- many. Doris Humphrey and Charles, Weidman, Who will give their recitals in this serles on February 27 and 28, will dance with a group of 15 young in the comme rce schooi, wtll engage in~ writing bonks .pertainintg to their respective fields. FIv. Profeesors Ratura~ -Yive members of the faculty will - return.,,to titeir teaching duties after spendintz the past semester on leaves. V- l r 1 Lee. x T rmantof the I. aiéto- iteD 0f her field, nd ner ctances ana typearetypically American. Season subscriptions for the cati stili be obtained by mail f rom thé office of the Univèrsit, lege, 313 East Chicago avenue. picture companies, thecContest :limited to undergraduate college dents ind graduate' students floti titan three years ouit of college. -ITo make 'e standing suc son, the Thi the, out- ;6-37 sea- have as- eshold shows. Dtrecio t 1 sae as yet, James Matin, presictent Pyrests in the capable and of the Threshold players, states thal hands of Mrs- Nancy demands to date indicate that both io has been, responsible nights will be very likely seli-outs. series order yv col- e e