X. PLATE LUNCHES TERMINAL LUNCH ROOM 417 OUt F Smt, "u r ,i ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. F. A.- Miller qf Ev- anston,. formerly of. Wilmette. an- noufic 'the engagement of their daughter. Met a,'to 'Charles, Jensetu., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jen- sen of Chicago. Tlhe wedding will take place some time during the sumûmer.. ___ Fteformer McDonough& Strand Bea-ufy Shop - Is1 Moving on February I 5th t+0. Il 53 WiImette Avenue Witmefle 4517 *Dr. Samuel D. Harkness, -miniuer ot thé Wi*nps'tka Conlgre getiokial church, and Rabbi Charles E. Shulman of the North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, wiII exchange pulpits Sunday morning, Februwry 14.' Dr.ý Harkness i: one of the Ieading liberal Ministers in the country anttdanks, hiah in the coun cils of. the National Presbyterimn church. His labors on bc- wkere the shop wilI tue known as ... c7>cDûnough Beauty Mairt 0% We wa oUgiv ach u risacutorsr UI, o Il special discount of 10%/ on .11 beauty work. Won'f Iar. lst eOuphone for .ppointment today? where his fine IeadershiP qnd inifluence have ness by Underwood & Uelderwood. For his subject on' February 14, Dr. arkness bas chosen, "The Secret of incoln's Greatness." Services at th( orth Shore Congregation..Israel are eId promptly at Il o'clock on Sunday Posters Herald ,h of Big "'TiiMY VALENTINI 4&1t's grand to bc young . .. especially on St. Valentine's Day . . . when everyone is young. To help speed your arrow, 1 offer a complete stock of Valentine Gifts." ETHEL M. MANNERUD ~* ~5vw... I e1161 Av.. 4406, publisiied in next weeac s.,Wii.£MEr he annual exhibit, featuring the tword in equipment for the home, 1 open Tuesday, February 23.,lin ,Wonian's club building, Tenth eet anid Greenleaf avenue, and will itinue througb. three days. The )rs will open at 10:30 a. m. and C. n .Mn. ra weeks on a ranch near there will be joined, by their son, les, who recently motored, tO ornia. -. ... i H