w Summuer Réoe§ 10-98 "ô.ly&tulip print" robe linedwith plain- color 0FPAS Screpe. Variety of glori- oua color comibinationsi, TH: Today ts MSu n ul NMothor Who's s.ftlng thefashlon paCe.O *Z.modern o nd loves it. e ~ , GIVE, MOTI4Ut S.. the canny son or doughtor surprlslng ber on Mother's Day with a smort qlft of fashion is certain P@.skla Slip... Favorite four - button glove in beautiful do.- sd. Wshit., blâok, brown,.. gray or navy. Silk crepe slip with hand-m drawn trim and hmnd- turned hem. Hua panel front. In white or tea- rose. 32 to 42. $393 Handmade col pure dys orepe with beautiful va lace and embroidéry trim. In blue, toaros. or white. 34 to 40. Pearl Neckioce $4 Simulated pearis in three.- strand neokiace f as- tened by a bandsome rhinestone olasp. Ceif Handbog 0O$ WILMTTE -LIFEMY ,13 -w -7 A blAY 6t 1937