The -recipient is thus reminded that on March 9 the President. of the United St ates quoted Chief justice Hughes .himself as saying, "Wve are, under a Constitutio*n but the Constitu-, tionr is what the judges say it is."t Siiice that famous radio address -one hears that satne quotation agaiin and' again. The obvious intention of, those ýwho0 .eniploy t1he l1anguage, even on -the part 'of, the Président hiniseif, is'to leave the imfpression with'the people, that we have what' amnounts__to a "judicial 1dictatorship.", Wiê re îm- pliedly told by those words. that the Supreme Court. alone determines what can and what cannot be done. We are impliedly told that the court ~assumes to be above the people theni- selves. And we are inipliedly asked, what higher authority can one find than what the Chief Justice hiniseif bas said ? Uifted Front Context It bas1 to the PC Hughesr he was New- Yor *among the several States" 'mean? And a host of other liké examples, could be'given.« There m iust be authority sotte- where to determine what- the lawis to interpret, apply and explain 'the language of the people expressed in their Constitution. That power bas been vested in th e ;Sup'reme Court for 148 years. The question to be asked is.,Whethïer lwe prefer to have. the Supreme. Court serve in that capacity or prefer to have the President and the Congress.1 The question is, shahl t he judges say what the Constitution is or the President'? Shall we permit every President elected to office to interpret the very Iaw he i.sppse to obey? Poôwur 'Lie& With People: stitution 15 wnat tn but the, power remn by. means of an a isubsequently explained aside any decisions Sthat when Charles E. made. In the U Sthe alleged, statement power emanates fri ernor of the State of is an ail important d flot Chief Justice of elected agents, in tý UPHOLSTEREP FUItNI1rRE C.LEANED RUGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME 0 Replacing the old out-mfod- ed methods . of cleanîng -by haend or sending the furntfure from home for a period of days, the CORONET Clean- ing LCompany wiII dlean and renew-your.fûrnifure right in your own ho .. no fus * bother. Furnifure wiII b. bright and new Iooing ... ready t0 use the same day 'ë # à -and fR, 6s.~, is guaranteed and ail pieces inhured.. 1243 ElImwood St., Evanstor,, Ili. AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERY TOO Prfoecf your dainty, clotii.eove- niflg wraps en am ey clohes-- -'eep your automobile upholstery and fresh. CORONET ihl quickly. efficienfly, ani economical-, Iy clean your car without your sac, rificing the car for more thon haif a day. Car s clean.d in fte morng are readY for use in the .affernoon. Recaptui.lte ftrili of new * meant. Instead of using those words-- -- to imply a "judicial dictatorship," as Surnmer Festivities the President seemed to. wish, is Link's Homestead, popular dining listeners to believe, Mr. Hughes used and dancing establishmnt on Wau- theni to point out the importance of kegan road two blocks north of the judiciary in our system of govern- Glenview, bas opened its summer ment. season and is inviting. its many The paragraph of the speech froni patrons to take advantage of its well which the words were taken is wnrth known facilities for an afternnnori Have Authooity s ~tff lectuers, ar outstaa4ing features of seum visitors. P; written. Constitugtion >is side the north en 1 and zoological a,"The, Cave In Wilmette call9981 rs, conducted by or stop at 725 TweLjsJ& Street open to all mu- v ILLIMOIB BELL, TELERPEONU 014?AE TI-CORON LT cIEANI NG CO. UNI. 9660 On~e of our peppl