much as a birdie on the linkcs. Mise Jean Kyer, of- Min Arb)or, ~brilliaût yôung scientist Of the Uni- versiiy ô .?ihigan faculty, is play- ing for the fourth time in the Nation- al. -She lias neyer failed to -qualify and last year at Memnphis was eli- minated in the flrst round by' Miss Jane-Cothran at the l9th hole, where. Miss Cothran holed a long putt for a birdie three at the 1MU. Miss Kyer has little olpportunity to devel- op her fine golf game. Work at, Michigan keeps liher busy ini the Chemistry lab,,and she only plays golf about three months ini the sum-, mier. WFlr. RBeatIfùI U1nd« Mrs. Clarence H. Freund, 819 Mich- igan avenue, -Wilmette; Dor-is Jean Hargis, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs.ý Harry R. Hargis, 1420..Waàhhngtoni avenue; Wilmette; Virginia Hoblmes, daugliter of Mr. and Mra. Wm. W Holmes, - 1458 Lake avenue, Wil- mette; Patricia McElroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T,. E. McElroy, 357 Sunset road, Winnetka; Betty Jane Morse, daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Morse, 112 Fuller lane, Winnetka; Mary Porter Owens, daughter of Mn. B . P. Owens, 714, Ehnwood avenue,, Wilmette; Mar- ganita "Peg" Thompson, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Thornn- RIYFR O NOw.: Tu SMSART imm UENE It'. t111e te niake your plam s têtUE anUwlnmte living. Ad-t4î--L effets you ail the coufti [W ýAQe surburban esidence li thIwt,ot tgwug. What delightful mdv tp await yeu 'bere. Yeutchoi~ clous suites and kitcheuiet: fientg furnished mand your individuai taste. Ultra-m0 cmir G. E. electrie kitchens. An'ip eloset space.Unsurpased1ot-*te- s last year., Her final ractice before leaving for up and the national werè ýr, a tough course in Dur- e scored the most con- toynf ahi, of the United Con You Obtaun the Clecaneat and Most Efficient of * s ham3 N Mrs. Pi