PulMHts t. new moar wth thse "Iaair.up" style $ 3-93 Tiny hats to show off your brushed-up curie, irregular, off-the face bonnets, mnd a new profile.framing version of yonr pet bret .. . a grand amsotment of feits in ail the new fail shades. $3.95. Milunery-Second Floor The kind of a dres you'll wear on the firet cool1 day and feel confortably and. smOrtly dressed. 'Me ma- terial is new this season- popular, -and practical be-A cause it je ,made of 25% w ôool, 75% r'ayo0n:, Wo0n't i wrinkle and stands up under wear and tear. 'Different styles ini uiate bluel, green, ruet, wine, and brown. Sizes 12 to 20; 39 to 42. -Budget Shop- First Floor ANNI VERS 4RY SPECI4L <lx i I GUFTS wEW s bmeit BIJISLE RI Lovef.y wheu or lust for1 * 3~~4 1) L Biaa.-Str'etFloor STBMI~2 j5, 1938 ) ) 41