ALL THE Mvrs. H. A.ý Mormion, presient o! the Evanston and North Shore Âlumnnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, iviii, report on the. grand convention of that sororitl, in Junec whlien.the chcpter'holda its meeting next Wednesday at the Ericsson F. McLaughin home ti Evanston at 12 o'clock. J. D. Tolof Photo "Bring a Ouest" Reading and Tea SAids Junior Sciool FAVOIRITESý. $ is expected. Mrs. Carl Johnsen, well known for her splendid worlc on book reviews, wil - review a very interesting and himnniq hnak "With M a 1il c e ,EDGARÀA. STrEVINS, imc. square tQe barges, the old saddle favorite ini new guises, alligator k'ilties, smooth calfikin tailored oxfords, brown and whites, crepe or leather soles, leather heels. . . everything that is new and smart l'o wear on the campuas and ab>out town wifh your sweaters and skirts. your tweed suits and in sixes to fit every one-of you, ship Fooýý 11624