Deerfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stryker. The bride was given in m.arriage by Dr. D. W. Rapp, an-intimate friend of the family. She wore a wedding (iress of h4eavy White satin, close fitting with long, puffed sleeves and a drapéd neckline, and ber ,mother's tulle wedding vefl falling from a Juliet cap of net andWhite satin braid. She carried a shower bouquet Of white, roses, white sweet peas, and lilies of* the 'valley. Completing ber costumfe was a string of pearîs, the gift of. the bridegroom. ýMis s Frances Haskin, who served ber sister .as maid of honor, was dressed ini blue satin and carried tea rose chrysanthemums, while the bridesmaids, Miss Georgia Haskin, miss »rances upp, i - n mms janiu Moore, aU of Wilmette, were gowned alike in tea rose satin and carried bouquets of blue chrysanthemums. The bride's mother wore a crush- ed rose lace gown and a corsage of roses, while Mrs. Stryker, mother of the bridegroom, was in dubonnet silk crepe with corsage of white roses. .*ker, Drwood F Wt, andU il eption was Bride N ext Month Bar Hats are tops They're casual bats wth zip the kind of hat you tike Shown ln Vge Harpers Bh*mr and a brim tlbt in front. clown $2.95 Qiher Bar Hais $2.95 - $3.95 1 IDt EDGARt A. STEVI 'EvaefSiO 4f iiaieiy in the