DeadineforInsetio,&- Classitled advertisements wifl be ac- DILeadiE LyEor Instre, aerto s-ceptedUp to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILME1andLIF rsailp. t.hree paersednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETjCA TAL ad husda 5P rGLNCO.NiNEWS. ýTelephonïes:, Wilmette 4M0. Winnetka, 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after t P M.), Greenleaf 400oSel drake 1216-1211. -o hl Sj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED BEAUTY SALON IN North Edgewater. First class cientele.: Opportunity for rlght party wlth cash, terms. Write A-124, Box 60, Wlhnette, III.81LTN184tp: 03 INVESTNENTS $5.000. OR MORE, NEEDED IN GROW- *ing neW manufacturing concern. North Shore location. Good lnvestmhent. Fufly se curedi. WiUl consider partner. Address A-141, Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. 83LTN19-ltp as LOANS 94 SI IIATION WANTUD-FEMAILE EMPLOYERS: Pauline's Empl. Agencies Have experienced girls for al domestic positions. INTERVIEWING ROOMS AT BOTH ADDRESSES: Wilmnette: end of,"L.," 424 Lmnden Ave. Evanston: 1014 Davis St. Wilniette. 2171 Davis 7776 94LTN19-lte CALL .MR. BAK<ER FOR WANTED BY: LONG EXPE1UVENCED gardenier -2 or 3. days a week, excellent referenices. Apply 1121 Merèril St. Hub- bard Woodls. Phone Whmnetka 2848. . 1 1. 1 -, 95L 19 - 1 tp COLORED CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN, butier -. waiter. Single nman. Honest and reliable. Geod north sh~ore refer., ences. Geo. A. Richards, Davis 7M,4 95LTN1.ltp. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MANl DE SIR~ES position wlth nice family as. houseman, butier. WiUl do sanie drlving. North, shore references. Cail Davis 2#24. 95.LTN19.îitp 20YearS' Experience GArdener, housernan, chauffeur, butier. WINNETKA 21 ___ A-1 Cook ................ .........P 4 Cooks ..................... $8t 15 General Maids.........15 to p 22 Geineral Mids............. 10 to 3S Couples.................. $100 ta $150 CALL IN PERSON ONLY Shoreline Empi. Office 146 Elm Street Winetka WLTIl1to EXPER.,MAIDS WANTED GOO0D WAGES Lmndgren Empi. Agency AMY HULTGREN, P1IOP. 799 Elm St. Whmn. 1047 97LTN16-ltfc INTELLIGENT WHITE GIRI. General housework, good plAin CSok- lng. Some care of -3 yr. old? boy. muet be neatea ctlear English. $10 to $12 411 Shrda od. Wilmette 410 845 Chicago Ave. Gre. 8220 W, Opp. Main St. -L- Station, Evanston DI 85LTN9-tfc El 57 UBL ESAT~ *ANSci FEDERAL HOME LOANSJ 1155 Willi McGUIfl itog. Pli. 5M afer 7 p.m. WANTED - DAY WQRIC. colored girls. Qualified toi work. Call Winnetka 1315 a except Monday and Friday Inc. *YOUNG U chlldren n~ - Ip Lsemen, LCY