NEAR LAKCE, TRANS., GRADE AND high schls. Unusually attrac. Eng. -brk. with btfl. 30, ft. -living rrh. Lge. dining rm. and htd. sun rm.-ý3%, Mte b . for the 4 lovely master bedrms.. plus 2 servants' rms. and. b. Charmling brkfst. rin. Smhall den,, ail in per*fect condition. WINNETKA 1110 Pine St. Modern 5 bedrmn., 3112 b., htd. sun slpg. pch.. oit, 2 gar. Neai' Hubbard Woods and Skokie schools. Reasonable. KENILWORTH Very attrac. Eng. br. 4 bedrm., 2%/:b.. scr. pch., où, 2 gar. $125. Se SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 5288 l33LTN4191te J u k4 JJI) LL EAST. KENILWORTH: 2 houses,. 4 bedrms., 1 bath;il1 ht: Newly decoiated. Each $95. GLENCOE: 3 bedrms. den, coal stoker., Near South sehool. $80. Attrac. brick Col., 5 bedrms;., 31, baths, cil, 2-,ar garage. $150. QUINLAN &TYSON, Ime. 584:Lincoln Ave. Wmnnetka 177 133LTN19-ltc 346 Sheridan Rd., Winn. WHITE CLAPEQARD COLONIAL. 5 bedroorns, 3 baths,; hot water cil heat. Located on a large wooded lot. Due to un.eected transfer of new tenant thisý hoenow available at $150. This ancl other North Shore rentais available in our, PHOTO TOUR 0F HOMES. R. B. WHITAKER & C0. 140 Green Bay Road Winnetlça 3M5 WHITE FRAME'COI Kenilworth. 6 bedrin clous roomns, attracti grade and hlgh scho( QUINLAN& 584 Lincoln~ Ave. JSTED ýLONIAL, IN . EAST ns, 4 baths, spa- rel furnished. Near 1ADl.$0 per month. TYSON, l'e. Wlnnetka 177 *- 134LTN19ltc PLEASANT FURNISHED HOME Indian Hill 'Golf grounds. Poss.1 for winter months to May first. Hill & Stone, Tel. Wlnnetka 1544 134.:lTNi ATTRACTIVE, PRACTICALLYr brick home. Furnished. Piano. 31 rooms, heated sleeping porch, 1% lz o11 heat. October 1 to June 15. Rem able. Glencoe 1998. 134LTNII SEVEN ROOM ATTRACTIE FURIM ed, gas heat, piano, fireplace. -1',% b good _neighborhood, Wllmette.1 ON now, *lu5. 1026. ,gan Road 14ILTN19-lte WILMETTE 6room Duteh Colonial frame, as pretty as a picture, Just like new. Amng new homes. 5 blocks to depot. Owner must seil, $9,500. Shown by appolntment. WINNETKA Receiver will liquidate fine brick house. Could be palnted white. 4 bedroome, sleeping porch. 1%k battis. Not another like it at $12,500. ELMER E. STULTS, Ine. 460 Wmnnetka Ave. Wnnetka 180 147LTN19-toc SOUTHEAST ,r&WINNETKA Brick in East Wil baths, 2-car garal THE BILLS 510 Davis St. BEAUTIFUL $150. vaiue t dlb~uU. miu THE BILLS 510 Davis St. EALTY, mI. Tudor stone house in Mil- near lake. il rooms. 31/2 University 3840 133LTN19-ltp EAST WILMETTE possession. 147LTN19.lte I. SCHUMAN'REALTY SCEO.NETA FOR RENT - APPROXiIMÂTELY 8M0 $1,500 cash. Mlght. rent. Cali Mr. Daily. sq. fret, i storej for light manufac- R N LNRAT turing or storage. 1129 Central Ave. FRN LN EAT Henry F. IDarre, see Janitor. CORPORATION 140L4TN9tfc 1669 Sherman Ave. UNI,?7'7 144 FOR SBALE-APT. *UILDINQS14LN1-t 133LTN19-ltc 667 Vernon Ave. 140 Green' -I