171LTN19-Itp 2 BEDROOM SETS, TWIN BEDS. Small grand Piano,, Steinway. Large Chaise longue.ý Ail very reasonable. Winnetka 1914. 171LTN19-ltp. MAHOGANY SPINET DJESK, ANI) stool;, tea cart; Baby scales, crystal compote and candle sticks; childs tri-, cycle.. Ail very reasonable. Winn. 72 171L19-ltp EU-SHMAN DINETTE SETý WITH CABI- net., Antique finish. Table with black top. In very good condition. Winnetka 2280. 171L19 - ltp PRACTICALLY NEW GREY AND white AX B. stove, eost $180.00. Will seil $35. Cali Wilmette 2320 171LTNl9-ltc MOVING-WILL SACRIFICE CONSOLE gas stove, airmost new. Dinette table. 5 chairs. Lamps. Kit. cabinets and ta- ble. Elec. refr. Winn. 191. THREE-PIECE S O L I D bedroom set, box springs Reasonable. Also large si2 Wilmette 406. SPINET, GRAND PIANO also kîtchenware andi 5< Cali afternoons and evenîr w Iinnmaiizz. 173LTN19-tp BUREAUS. CHIFFONIERS. CHAIÈS. 10x10 rug«. 2 Ige. library tables, nce for clubhoue or ecr. room. CHIL- DREN'S COTINGr Winn. 730. FOR SALE -NEW42" lDIA. STEiEL law aàbles. Special .$350 ea. reg. $11.00. Pavlik Bros., Kenilwoeth 820. BABY'S TWIN STfROLLER GOOD CONDITION. WILMETTE 2962. 173LTrNl99-ltp FIREPLACE SCREEN AND EQUIP- ment. Reasonable. Wilmette 26W., 173LTN19-ltP G.E. REFRIGERATOR; 'TABLE; MET- al bed; garden tools & otherequipmient. Ph. -Wnnetka 1403i' 1731.191 tp BOOKCS WE WILL BUY YOUR BOOKS. ALSO private libraries. WlleaUl. Wihett 324~174LTN19-4tp USED TIRES WANTED WINNETKA 3M4 FOR ESTimATE. 174LrN194tp these converted hostels for a sinali sum. Other coi.mtries .copied the idaand. opened other trails for a c youth to hike or bike or follow with , :"1 a. canme, through the loveliest re- OLHW1N ARODO N gions of Europe. Today ail Europe is.,bound. together by hstel chains, they are one bond during this yeari of war suspicions. New England, the Smoky mountains, Puget, sounid, Banff and Lake Louise, Coloradoî ranches, Cailforniia Missions, Great Potronize Our A&dverflsers* Lakes resorts no* are opened to young travelers .with knapsacks and _______________ ari hostel pass. so'that al new Thisje rxttn NREAL ,ESTATER hostelers '.starting down. the longest trail in the world may know, andL AN thi arents in particular, maybe O N Pierre ana Marie roamec vu aceo bicycles. They lunched on breaq and cheese and'fruit, and at the cos of some thousands of pedal stroke and a lew francs, attained the lu ury of long enchanited days an, rights." That. is hosteling. The wa is rugged and adventurous, but gives youth the opportunity to be 'WN-' hTl-ltv i FOR SALE. e Village lgs ýved Aug- lgs In winter Amherst, Welles- s hereby ley, Smith, Dartmouth, Williams Ler: and many other college men and d Section e and in- women follow hostel ski trails. Col- g: leges are the most enthusiastie sup- ts. single- porters of the plan. Miss Mary E. ges and velve feet Wooley of Mt. Holyoke le National )ofed with president. fsaid lieu, t (a) O1 17LT9- 1P of WimtteL, .LA FI~NICO- ATTEST: WO)ODLAN NICHOLAS P. MLLERk 173LTN1-ltP <SEAL) f are on ri et or,