Purpie in the 1938 campaign. orh Major ,ifs". confrontjng orh western wlth the openmng gamne with Kaiwas .State, October 1, just three weeks away :are: 1. If jacjk Ryan, converted Ml back, can satisfactorily replace Don Reap at left haif. 2.-If Bernie Jefferson, veterafi right hait, has sutffciently reco-Vered from a foot injury- whlch handicap- ped hlm most o! his junior year. 3. If Nick Conteas, 200 pound jun- ior, proves that he, can take over the blocking ,qualrterback duties 50 capably handled by Fred Vanizo for the past three years. -4 If John Raman, a junior, can bowl at 7 oclock, and ten. at 9 tii.- uïewas mnade necessary, sali o'clock. The sasnwiU continue FakWber, chairnian of the for. 34,,weeks and will ,be clixnaxed league, because our _league has by the National K. of C. tournament promise of growing into a '20 or 24 at Lansig, Mich. ei egenxtsao nw New officerS for tliis season are: ,tean leguenextsea on an w presient; athe - wat to build Our or0 iaino Henry Lels, rsdn;Mte Thafl, sound business basgis,' free froni man, vice.presidelt; John Wiltjer, seeetay, nd orertMilertres-professionalisYn, so that the employ- secetayandNorer Miler tea.-.ees and store owners can enjoy con- urer. sip affordess anourleague.rsmà ~.JEjA~ s------'u'uueWYin LEAGUE - - . r1.W UalLL BensZnBefGtflBrs September 20 is the date selected to open the fifth year of the North Shore Centrella Bowling league at the Gienview Recreation aUleys, Io- cated on Waukegan road. Tlu'ee r ounds of eleven games each com- -- 0 Q c. -hatil !ip ad in 2. Rotd 3. Johr 4. Frai 5. ýAdcl 6. Clyd Bal-S. P. Gerdl. bester-G. C. Scheibe. *earSflPeterSfBr. F. Winter. ýjr.~GOg 'Gfflrg t.farl L.t Vot-Ot cr anld ýry By WotidY Wils.U New Trier High school's varsity footballers were lookiflg forward this week to a suburban, leagile chamn- pionship tearn, perhalps. a mythical state champ, as theycontinued ,work- outs that were to lead, gradually iln- to actual combat in the. fbrm of sçrjrniages ipreparation for the season curtaifl-rai'se r agaiflst River- side, S atilrday, Septeniber 24. The ga. me will be played at New Trier. This, years teani is ,Without a doubt the. best looking group hi the Igrid. history of!-the Grey and, Green. It às the heaviest by. a prety. good imargin, and probably the1 fastest. yet. That statenient does not ex-' g.1,ige the. great eleven of 1935, which & .GlencoYe. baçil sends I[115 Ta.....r 39 Seasoni actionl there will likely be only one SGeo. B. Win- player i the group who did not re- Il contiue bis ceive a letter last year. That fellow m. Victor J. would undoubtedly be Jackc Miskel. ry & Market, fle did not play on the squad in '37, as vice-chair- hence the absence of award. of the Rugen Holds Down Tackle been elected Fans of the S. Jack holds dowfl a tackle spot, and laken sense of football technique I)efrosive Play Quou aul s Bar ilingers Milwaukee youngster is prob- Every captain must register a si3- ieap's equal as a passer and man team and only those registerei er, but he has yet to demnon- can bowl. The only exception t( that he can match Heap as a arrier and defensive player. c few playersexcelled Heap in. School Resumes; two categorles during the past Wtc [sors for each o!. the twelve i the. league will be namned Longer Nights Addecl Hazard to Motorists *Among the other giants are Bob Gockel, Jack Bonner, Dick Dijrr.- Bonrier bas gamned wlde prommnence as a weight-lifter during the re- cent months. Both the others are powerful experienced li n e m e n. Gockel is a tackle, Durr an end, and, Bonner will give Howie Hinrichs competition. for a steady job at cen- i1 servie tC DSI1 as to 900a year, with~ ifteld, at Pl what .i hooi ,cei winter. ilarold L. Vojtz-ý-Voltz Grocery i as to baU