terference in s t a t e elections" a major issue in their respective cam- paigns. But 1 do not think.the peo- pl' resentmnent. of this Inter! er- ence was itself the declding factor. l believe the resuits aIso show that the electorate, however friendly it mnay feel toward the President as a personality, prefer to b. repre- sented byT men o! independent thoughj t àd courage instead of! "yes- mon-'.' Independence and courage are qualities whlch' the American peopleby instinct and tradition deep- ly admire. Show eal AbMIti moreover, these tbree senators ponents looked extremnely weak. It isthus underatandable why the Sen- ators to be ."urged" grew stronger and tnera the campaigne pro- gressed. President Roosevet frankly ad- mltted 1'Senator George la a '-schol- ar". Some of the boit judges of a Senator's. abillty are.,th reporters who daily sit In th, ]Mress Gallery watchmng every m iade and hearing every, worci spoloen. They agree thet the 60 year old Senator George àa a 4«scholar". His short modest blography in* the Congres- mlnnl diretiwv dno'mnot tell usthat sures with that1 per <c4 ed for court bill, ti of 'Senators George ila ship o! the their unusu r- ed his response to the q d made thern his friends. lie y. thern he knew hits subject s actly where he stood. They m of eacu wora. we art 04gfl t--